Petition to Stop Anti-Christian Bigotry in the Military

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A briefing held at Camp Shelby in Mississippi listed Evangelical Christian groups alongside domestic hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.
Soldiers at Fort Hood were warned that participating in or donating money to evangelical Christian groups or Tea Party groups could result in military punishment.
Last year an Army Reserve training brief listed Catholics and Evangelical Christians as examples of religious extremism.
“Men and women of faith – who have served the Army faithfully for centuries – have been likened to those who regularly threaten the peace and security of the United States. It is dishonorable for any U.S. military entity to allow this type of improper characterization.” — Ron Crews, Executive Director of the Chaplain Alliance For Religious Liberty
The Army repeatedly claims these briefings were isolated incidents where instructors used materials that were not approved by the military.
Liberty Alliance believes these recent examples of bigotry are part of a larger alarming trend in anti-Christian bigotry at the Federal level.
Enough is enough! Sign the petition to President Obama and Secretary of Defense Hagel to stop this anti-Christian bigotry in the military.
President Obama and Secretary of Defense Hagel,
We believe that Christian men and women – who have served the Army faithfully for centuries – have been wrongfully linked to those who regularly threaten the peace and security of the United States. It demonstrates an unbelievable disregard for our Christian Heritage to single out Christianity as “extreme.” Anti-Christian bigotry is Unconstitutional and has no place in our Armed Forces. We demand that you defend religious liberty in the military and throughout the Federal government.