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Unions for Gang of Eight’s Immigration Reform — ie, Amnesty!

illegalFor the past few weeks Rush Limbaugh has been doing a fantastic job of dismantling the “Gang of Eight” amnesty catastrophe that is being shoved down our throats. From the right, liar Rubio cant keep his facts or principles straight and from on the left Dingy Reid wants to vote on this bill that “Americans desperately want” simply ignoring the fact that most Americans don’t. The last I read the actual weight of the bill is topping 24 lbs worth of paper and counting. O-care part duex comes to mind. Lets pass it so we can see whats in it because, heaven knows, no one is reading it.

The most logical reason for this, as Rush explains, is the Democrats latest attempt to establish for themselves a new permanent voting bloc. More reasons for more government. We all know for those in Washington that the answer to any failed policy is to make more policy. Ignore the current immigration laws and just make more to suit an agenda. The same tactic that was tried with gun control.

The liberals cry about the uncaring, callous few conservatives’ obstruction of the bill. The liberal has turned into the modern day Pharisee. Decrying their own self righteousness and condemning, border line cursing, anyone who disagrees with their twisted philosophy. Liberals believe they encompass all that is compassionate, caring and for the little people. Disagree with them and watch the hate.

Rush mentioned the corporate interests that are getting behind this bill with the reason to create, or reinforce, a cheap labor force. But on Thursday Rush hit a point, though spent little time on it, about the possibility of unions benefiting from the bill becoming law. I can add facts to this theory. A theory that has more to it than one might imagine and all you need to do is talk to a former union member to get a few insights into it.

I was a member of a union for almost 15 years and the faults and fallacies of their benefit to the working man are many. Today I am not here to argue for or against the viability of an obsolete concept, or to argue its ineptitude, that is for another day. Rather I will simply point out a conversation I had with a few union leaders visiting the construction site I was working on just 6 years ago.

On this particular project about half the trades were non-union and a quarter were non-union-non English speaking illegals. How do I know they were illegal? When the immigration trucks and vans started down the long drive to the complex every one of the non-English speakers scattered like vampires hiding from the sun. In a matter of a few days, they were back to work as though nothing happened and only a few crew members short. On a personal note I do not blame anyone for wanting to come to America to work. Our poorest poor are better off than most everyone else on this planet. At the rate were going the working poor will be worse off than the welfare recipient, if were not already there.

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Ron Collins

Ron Collins was born in '70. Raisin' chickens and shootin' groundhogs by 5. A little bit hillbilly, a little bit city boy, but always an unashamed and politically incorrect American. Best advice he took from his father: 'Find your heroes among American History not Hollywood or the sports arena.'