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Ace Ventura Alert! About that Jim Carrey Apology to Gun Owners … ?

Jim_Carrey_2008Anyone that lives in NYC will attest to the fact that the liberal indoctrination here runs deep. From a very young age we are taught that guns are very bad. Teachers constantly preach things like, “Only bad guys and the police have guns”, over and over and over and over again! These are the things we are taught to believe from a very young age growing up here in NYC. To reinforce these lessons we have these “gun free zones”, places where many of us fall victim to gun violence, despite these “gun free zone” signs. As a young man I was robbed at gun point, pistol whipped, used as a human shield in shootouts, and lost a few friends to gun violence. All in “gun free zones” and all reinforcing the “guns are bad” message that we are taught as children.

When registering to vote, as young, uninformed voters we will often wonder “What party should we support and why?” The answer is something like “Dude, you are from NYC, everyone here is a Democrat! You may not know it, but you are a Democrat, too”. Well, I guess they are right, my family is on welfare, we get section 8, we get the government cheese, so yeah, I guess we are Democrats. What do we know? This is what we are taught by our leaders from a very young age, so what are we to do? We just follow the herd, we vote Democrat.

Thank God for people like my friends over at These guys saw how my views were based simply on indoctrinated brainwashing, they took time out of their day and challenged my liberal views and my stance as a Democrat. Through respectful debate and intelligent dialogue with these folks here and there, I slowly realized that, though I have been voting Democrat my entire life, that my views are in fact leaning towards the right. Now here we are today, look at who I am writing for.

Enter the main topic of today’s discussion, Jim “I’m a buffoon” Carrey. I will admit I was a fan of Jim Carrey’s for a long time. I used to watch the show In Living Color when I was a kid. I’ve known of Jim Carrey since the old days of “Fire Marshall Bill”, but unless you grew up in the 80’s and lived in NYC then these names will not mean much to you. To us though, this was channel 5 prime time entertainment!

Point being that I was a fan and followed his career from a very young age. Not to mention that these shows also influenced my views back then. As a grown man with different views now, I’m sure you can imagine my frustration when Mr. Carrey decided to come out and start insulting gun owners. My reaction was something along the lines of “DUDE! What are you doing? I watched Ace Ventura. I’m a fan, but I also own a gun, bro. What gives?”

Recently our friends over at shared a post informing us that Carrey “apologized” for his comments. He says his views have not changed, but that he is sorry about his statements. I question the sincerity of that apology, in fact I think it is only a matter of time before he pops a gasket and goes nuts on one of the commenters mocking him for his so called “apology”.

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Angel Rodriguez

Angel is a blogger with appearances on The National Geographic Channel, MTV, HLN, FOX 5, HOT 97 FM, NY1, Bronxnet and many popular online sites. He is a U.S Air Force Veteran, Political Columnist, Musician, MMA Fighter, Foodie, and the Host of The Hidden Report Talk Show. Follow Angel on twitter and most social media via @AngelRdotMe