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News Clash

WE’RE SCREWED: Military Dress Policy Allows for Turbans, Beards Worn for Religious Reasons

The Pentagon is expected to announce changes today to rules governing religious items and uniform regulations, NBC News is reporting.

The change would allow beards, some religious tattoos and turbans to be worn by members in uniform.

NBC News obtained a draft of Department of Defense instructions that said the military will make every effort to accommodate “individual expressions of sincerely held beliefs” of service members. The memo said unless the items have an adverse impact on readiness, order or discipline, commanders will be allowed to grant special permission for personnel to wear religious article while in uniform.

Those articles could include a Jewish service member wearing a yarmulke or a Muslim service member wearing a beard and carrying prayer beads. The directive will also cover Wiccan service members, a religion now covered under Pentagon guidelines.

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