BOB BECKEL’S AN IDIOT: Beckel Admits There Was a Benghazi Cover-Up, ‘So What?!’

Jason Howerton , The Blaze
Bob Beckel, the liberal co-host of “The Five,” exploded with fury during a tense discussion about newly-released emails that reveal an apparent attempt by the White House to portray the 2012 Benghazi attacks as a protest gone awry to protect President Barack Obama’s political career.
Beckel admitted that “someone, somewhere” likely agreed that it would be in the best interests of the president politically to change the Benghazi talking points and control the narrative. However, the liberal host then went completely off-topic, bringing up reports of Nigerian girls being forced to marry Islamic extremists and instances of “friendly fire.”
When his fellow co-host, Eric Bolling, tried to get him back on topic, Beckel lost it.
“Let me finish!” Beckel said, pounding his fists on the table. “Let me finish by saying with what I think Hillary Clinton says — we know Islamic radicals killed these people, what difference does it make anymore?”
“Because they covered it up, Bob,” Bolling shot back.
“So what?!” Beckel screamed. “Every administration covers things up.”
Beckel also said “who cares” when asked if the Obama administration should be able to cover up Benghazi details just because it makes the president look bad.