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2016 Frontrunner Huckabee, Congressmen Vow War Against the Supreme Court and Roe v. Wade of Gay Marriage

Washington, DC – Ahead of today’s mid-term elections, Gov. Mike Huckabee, frontrunner in the 2016 GOP Presidential primaries, has embraced a vow signed by Capitol Hill figures which could end all U.S. subsidies for abortion, contraceptive mandates, anti-Semitism in the West Bank and Gaza – and derail the nationalization of gay marriage, driven by federal judges and cheered by President Obama.

Over recent days, “Life, Marriage, Conscience & Israel Vow” voter guides went out to hundreds of thousands of American clerical leaders distributing estimated millions of guides at weekend church and synagogue services ahead of today’s balloting.  Those gatherings are full of voters who will help determine, in close contests today, which party controls the U.S. Senate next year.

With that control, never held by Republicans during Obama’s presidency, comes Constitutional authority to remove Obama and federal judges from office.  But, Members of Congress are vowing to wield a weapon just as potent:  The “Power of the Purse.”

Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas and a Fox News TV host, says on the website for pastors and rabbis, “I’m not running for the House or Senate, but if I were, I’d certainly sign the Vow” – a document pledging against higher National Debt or taxes for as long as the U.S. Government is funding “the evils of abortion, anti-Semitism, religious/ethical conscience violations or same-sex marriage.”

Financed by a consortium, thanks prominent conservative leaders Dr. James Dobson, Ralph Reed, Jim DeMint, Tony Perkins, Brian Brown, Marjorie Dannenfelser, James Bopp, Mike Needham, Charles Koch, Matt Kibbe, Chris Chocola, Craig Bergman, Chuck Hurley, David Brog, Alan Sears and others.  Also pushing to end all U.S. subsidies for abortion, anti-Semitism and same-sex marriage is Liberty Alliance, a publishing firm.

Huckabee is polling at about double his nearest 2016 rival for the Iowa Caucuses, the nation’s first White House contest and a battleground he won in his 2008 Presidential try.  In national polling aggregates at, Huckabee has essentially been tied for first place during all of 2014.  The Vow site features an impassioned June speech he delivered in front of the U.S. Capitol, rejecting judge-decreed gay marriage and submissive Congressional financing of “judicial supremacy.”

Also displayed is a 2013 letter from Gov. Huckabee to House Speaker John Boehner, sent on the eve of the Supreme Courts’ opinion in United States v. Windsor – a ruling in which the Third Branch of the government directed the First Branch to begin subsidizing same-sex marriage from the U.S. Treasury against Congressional “one-man, one-woman” marriage policy, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed into law by President Clinton.

Anticipating that ruling and a possible Roe v. Wade of same-sex marriage, Huckabee’s letter to Boehner said: “Especially this week and in the coming days, I urge you and your House Majority to assert and defend your Article One purse power and credit authority of Congress with ALL YOUR MIGHT.  SCOTUS [the Supreme Court] has neither Constitutional right nor power to compel Congress to appropriate a single dime for same sex marriage benefits – just as Congress has no obligation to keep debt-financing Planned Parenthood subsidies. Nor can SCOTUS compel Congress to start debt-financing iron-fist federal enforcement of an invisible and non-existent right to nullify 37 state constitutions or statutes upholding Natural Law and One-Man, One Woman Marriage.”

Huckabee wrote, “SCOTUS may opine all it wants that it’s unfair that homosexuality, polygamy, or transgenderism are not favored by U.S. public policy or DOMA in the way that One-Man, One-Woman marriage is favored, but it cannot compel Congress to debt-finance LGBT or any other kind of marital benefits. The Court can opine, but Congress can decline…to fund it.”

The Vow text which Huckabee and Congressmen have embraced says, “As a matter of personal conscience, ethical, moral or religious conviction, I do hereby solemnly vow to vote against (or to decline to vote for) any and all increases to, or suspensions of, the U.S. National Debt limit, and against any and all revenue-positive tax measures, until the termination of all federal expenditures for the subsidization, support, imposition or U.S. enforcement of such evils as…. Federal Subversion of Marriage: The defining of polygamy, polyandry or same-sex union as “marriage” pursuant to any judicial decree, settlement or governmental measure affecting any of the 47 States which have not, as of 2014, authorized such definition by constitutional popular vote of the People in a binding Statewide initiative, referendum or plebiscite.”

The Vow also rules-out subsidies for abortion, mandatory contraceptives or abortion pills, and “Foreign aid to UNRWA, the United Nations agency in the Palestinian territories, until such time as it ceases enabling teaching, to otherwise innocent Muslim children in the West Bank and Gaza: Islamist jihad, violent anti-Semitic or anti-Christian views, anti-Jewish propaganda, terrorism, genocide or advocacy for the annihilation of the State of Israel, the United States of America and their people.”

Last weekend’s voter guides distributed to rabbis, pastors and their congregants nationwide, shows where Capitol Hill candidates, including Senators without contests until 2016 or 2018, stand on the text of “The Life, Marriage, Conscience & Israel Vow.” Supportive “YES’s” include Ohio Rep. Jim Renacci (R-16), South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson (R- 02), and Kentucky Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY 01).  Notable “NOs,” include prominent pols from the same delegations, including Boehner (R-OH 08), Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC 01), and Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul, both of Kentucky.

Along with House Democrat leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Democrat Senate colleague Al Franken (MN) and openly gay GOP House candidates Carl DiMaio and Richard Tisei, a surprising voter guide “NO” is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who a year ago vainly tried to get House Leaders Boehner and Rep. Eric Cantor to wield Congressional “purse power” to defund Obamacare.

The Vow website, which shows TV ads that consortium allies ran in Cantor’s district ahead of his stunning 2014 primary defeat,  notes that Cruz “says he opposes homosexual ‘marriage,’ yet [he] is chief sponsor of a bill which surrenders to, accepts, ratifies and codifies into federal statute the U.S. Supreme Court’s Windsor decree against DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) – ensuring permanent U.S. subsidies for LGBT ‘wedlock’ in any or all of the 47 ‘Straight States’ where it has been imposed against the will of the People; in only three states – MD, ME, WA – have the People themselves voted to sacralize homosexuality and end the public policy of hetero-monogamy.”

In October, 2014, judge-decreed nationalization of LGBT wedlock began in earnest as the High Court allowed U.S. appellate courts to ravage North Carolina, South Carolina, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Alaska, Oklahoma, Virginia, West Virginia, Kansas, Idaho, Nevada and Montana – just as they did to California; all of these “Straight States” had rejected homosexual “marriage” but, the Vow site says, “SCOTUS forced a shotgun wedding, and Congress is funding it.” continues, “The Cruz bill (S.2024) simply assumes, according to its text, that SCOTUS “striking down section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act” means Congress must subsidize sodomatrimony – because the First Branch bows to any absurd or anti-Constitutional decree of the Third Branch? – although the U.S. Senate and House have Constitutional ‘purse power’ to deny LGBT subsidies plus all funds for enforcement of same-sex unions against the 47 ‘Straight States.’ Sen. Cruz’s bill seems to signal exactly how a President Cruz would submit to other Supreme Court outrages: Obediently.”

The pastor-rabbi website continues, “Impending is the rape of Texas and all 50 states – and the 10th Amendment – by the LGBTotalitarians of SCOTUS and POTUS, 100% financed by Congress – including by smart GOP judicial supremacists like Sens. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. It seems they and their LGBT-owned Hill colleagues – any and all permanent “NOs” on the Vow – are perfectly content to fund Administration enforcement of absolutely any evil decreed by judges. That’s lawless judicial supremacy. That’s idolatry.”

One seasoned Capitol Hill veteran behind the effort said, “It’s not the Vow that’s radical.  What’s radical is a so-called representative government that plods along year after year, forcing taxpayers to go to work every day to underwrite the darkest of human activities.  The fact basic morality sounds radical to the Washington cocktail crowd is what the Founders would have found truly radical.”

The Vow site asks, “Q: How can we tell Capitol Hill heroes from frauds? A:  If they Vow against U.S. NATIONAL DEBT – financed SUBSIDIES for anti-Semitism, abortion, mandatory killing and homosexuality. THE TRUTH: Most Capitol Hill Republicans and Democrats shamefully cooperate to DEBT-FINANCE and SUBSIDIZE these evils by means of IRS receipts plus U.S. borrowing at about $16,000 per second.

“Would Congress subsidize Auschwitz?  Would President Obama subsidize lynchings? Well, then why are most Congressional Republicans and Democrats borrowing from China to kill American babies?

Why are Democrats, aided and abetted by Hill Republicans, killing young women like Jennifer Morbelli? Why are they all subsidizing anti-Semitism, jihad and Jew-hate in the West Bank and Gaza? 

Why are Republicans still funding IRS enforcement of conscience-violating and coercive “Obamacare” abortion pills and devices mandated on faithful businesses, on ministries like Dr. Dobson’s and upon Judeo-Christian institutions like the University Notre Dame, Liberty University, Yeshiva University and Wheaton College, to kill the unborn children of employees? Why has the Roman Catholic, Evangelical and Jewish leadership of the U.S. House been so wimpy? Why are they still debt-financing the butchers at Planned Parenthood?

“And why, for God’s sake, are House and Senate Republicans (with Dems) engaged in National Debt-financing of same-sex wedlock – the federal subsidization, imposition and enforcement of homosexual “marriage” by Obama and his judges against the 10th Amendment, the frightened Governors, the constitutions and the People of the USA’s ‘Straight State’ Majority?”