SELFIE CRIMINALS: Two Thugs Who Stole iPad’s and $5,000 Help Police By Taking Selfie’s on Stolen iPad’s and Posting the Pics

The definition of stupid criminals.
HOUSTON (KTRK) — A Houston man said he has his iPad to thank for identifying the men who he said stole thousands of dollars in cash and electronics from his truck.“I think they felt elated that they got away with such a big score,” said Randy Schaefer.
Last week, Schaefer said his truck was broken into. He said a bag was taken that contained a number of items including $5,000 in cash, a MacBook Pro laptop computer and an iPad.
“Just frustrated. I felt violated,” said Schaefer. “I was frustrated and I just kind of wrote everything off as lost.”
Until Friday morning, when Schaefer said he checked his iCloud photo stream and found 17 selfies taken by two men.
“At first I wondered who they were, and then within seconds I realized who they were and I saw that they had my money in their mouth,” said Schaefer.
Read more: ABC 13