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SELFIE CRIMINALS: Two Thugs Who Stole iPad’s and $5,000 Help Police By Taking Selfie’s on Stolen iPad’s and Posting the Pics

The definition of stupid criminals.

“I think they felt elated that they got away with such a big score,” said Randy Schaefer.

Last week, Schaefer said his truck was broken into. He said a bag was taken that contained a number of items including $5,000 in cash, a MacBook Pro laptop computer and an iPad.

“Just frustrated. I felt violated,” said Schaefer. “I was frustrated and I just kind of wrote everything off as lost.”

Until Friday morning, when Schaefer said he checked his iCloud photo stream and found 17 selfies taken by two men.

“At first I wondered who they were, and then within seconds I realized who they were and I saw that they had my money in their mouth,” said Schaefer.

Read more: ABC 13