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News Clash

BOOM: Kimberly Guilfoyle Exposes WHY, Snowflake Obama, HATES Fox News

Hint: it has something to do with why the MSM is crying about ‘fake news’ right now.

Kimberly Guilfoyle has an explanation for why Obama hates Fox News. And if the media cares to hear her, they might actually correct the problem for why only about 25% of people trust Journalists.


(That’s last year’s figure. After CNN had to apologize for bogus stories, and after EVERYONE had to walk back predictions of a Hillary landslide, that number may be lower still.)

Kim NAILED it.

Obama came in as a ‘Messiah’. He promised that with his election, generations would look back and say that this was the moment that ‘the rise of the oceans began to slow, and the planet began to heal’

The mainstream media obviously bought into his Messiah complex.

The Right did not. And Obama has not forgiven us… or Fox News… for being critical of his Presidency.

Sorry, Obama… we are a Free People. We owe you no free pass. Any more than your side (or even our side) owes one to Trump.

But we wonder… if a REPUBLICAN (or even a white Democrat) President had made the choices Obama has while in office, if they would the Democratic ‘legacy media’ have cheered him on so politely?

Or would they have hammered him on terror attacks on domestic soil… on giving ground to the Russians… for setting a new benchmark for number of days a President was at war.

Would we have had the daily updates on how many soldiers have come home draped in a flag?

Would they have been so polite about the race riots tearing up American cities?

No… this is the difference between how our ‘objective’ media reports the news when Democrats are in power as compared to when Republicans in power.

No wonder so many of them wept when they learned they did not have four years of kissing another Clinton’s ass to look forward to.

Most of us trust ‘the news’ about as much as we’d trust a kissing booth during an Ebola outbreak.

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