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News Clash


What should a woman be known for? That depends on who you ask.

If you’ve followed the news lately, you have seen Madonna, Ashley Judd, Chelsea Handler present their view of what it ‘REALLY’ means to be a woman.

Spoiler alert: the word ‘nasty’ gets thrown around. Liberally.

They wear ‘nasty’ like a badge of honor. They think it’s somehow ’empowering’.

Whoring around is now ‘noble’. Writing shocking thing on your ta-tas and baring them in anger at protests is — somehow — ‘NOT’ degrading.

Abortions? Forget ‘safe, legal and rare’ … that’s the OLD news. Now we have celebs telling us they’re sad that they’ve never had one. The same sort of people who would protest a seal hunt or the wearing of fur actually wish they could help erase the social stigma of forcibly tearing an infant to shreds within its mother’s womb. Sorry. They would rather we use the latin… ‘fetus’. Becuase it sounds more abstract and clinical that the English word ‘baby’.

They USED to talk about having women take their place in Business, Science and Engineering. Now? Now they talk about genitals.

They have MONOLOGUES about them. They wear funny hats to their marches. They even dress like a Gynecologist’s waking nightmare. (Which has got to make their Tranny friends feel a ‘little’ left out, even if they ARE called by whatever trendy made-up pronouns they prefer.)

Class? Intelligence? Accomplishment? Virtue?

Nope. THEY like to talk about free pads and abortion on demand.

By contrast, another group has a DIFFERENT Standard:

Some of the high points of this OTHER standard of a woman of quality?

— Business acumen

— Industrious

— Wise management of Investments

— Skillful Negotiations

— Generosity and Charity

— Wisdom and intelligence

— Strong commitment to family.

Pretty good list, right? Even Old-school feminists would give it a thumbs up, right?

Where do we get such a list? The Bible. Proverbs 31, specifically.

So ladies?’s, Editor-In-Chief, Doug Giles how-to book:

Raising Righteous & Rowdy Girls


It has been said that daughters are God’s revenge on fathers for the kind of men they were when they were young. Some would say that both Doug Giles and I, given our infamous pasts, are charter members of that club. However, Doug and I know that his two wonderful daughters and my equally wonderful daughter and two granddaughters are truly God’s fantastic gift. With the wisdom of hindsight and experience Doug has written the ultimate manual for dads on raising righteous and rowdy daughters who will go out into the world well prepared- morally, physically, intellectually and with joyful hearts- to be indomitable and mighty lionesses in our cultural jungle. Through every raucous and no-holds-barred page, Doug, the incomparable Dad Drill Sergeant, puts mere men through the paces to join the ranks of the few, the proud, and the successful fathers of super daughters. The proof of Doug Giles’ gold-plated credentials are Hannah and Regis Giles- two of the most fantastic, great hearted and accomplished young ladies I have ever known. This is THE BOOK that I will be giving the father of my two precious five and three year old granddaughters. Tiger Mom meet Lion Dad!Pat Caddell Fox News Contributor —

In ‘Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls’, Doug Giles reinforces the notion that little women don t need to be pampered by their fathers to turn out right. And having met his beautiful daughters, I know his philosophy works. As a strong-willed woman who thinks her daddy is the greatest guy in the world, I can tell you this is a must-read for every man who hopes to earn the same title. —-S.E. Cupp Best Selling Author & Fox News Analyst

If I ever have daughters I m going to raise them up like Doug Giles has done: strong, proudly feminine, tough as nails, Proverbs 31 girls. ‘Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls’ is an excellent guide which shows how a father can raise up real women in a society that desperately needs them. —-Dana Loesch, Editor, Talk Radio Host, Television Commentator

Don’t pick a fight with the Giles girls! — —Andrew Breitbart

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