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FLAWLESS VICTORY: Would-Be School Shooter Stopped BEFORE He Claimed Any Victims’ Lives

The David Hogg approach to preventing school shootings doesn't work. Here's what did.

When someone comes up with a successful solution to a difficult problem, you have two choices: learn from what they did right, or continue trying to figure it out on your own.

The left, for all their hand-wringing over kids being killed in murderous rampages at school, are doing what the left is famous for doing: working backward from a solution that fits their working assumptions.

They keep telling themselves that will eventually be a path to success, despite all the homicide evidence in left-wing stongholds that stands in opposition to their assumptions.

Meanwhile, we have an example in Wisconsin of an attempted school shooting that was stopped in its tracks… BEFORE the psycho had a chance to take any innocent lives.

Wouldn’t like to hear more announcements after an incident like THIS one? Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul announced that no one else was killed or harmed in the incident.

Would-be killer is on ice. His victims get to go home to their family. Sounds like a happy ending.

What did they do right?

Well, not many details are known yet, but there are a few clues in the early reporting:

“This incident took place outdoors. The subject in this case never gained entry,” he said.

Few details about the suspect were given, except for authorities acknowledging he was a male and a minor.

“Due to safety precautions taken by our schools, the shooter was never able to enter the building,” Village of Mount Horeb President Ryan Czyzewski confirmed in a statement, according to WISN. “To our students, teachers and staff, their families, and the community, we extend our arms in comfort and support following this deeply distressing event.”Washington Examiner

From this short snippet we can see that lessons were learned from previous shootings. Denial-of-entry strategies were successful, which tells us the killer was unable to find an unlocked side door like in Uvalde, or just shoot his way through a glass entry like in the trans shooter in Nashville.

Better still, an armed response was present on the scene BEFORE any harm could be done, and that armed response was prepared to face and neutralize the threat before innocents could be killed.

This unnamed lunatic is not merely dead but he’s forgotten… his name and legacy are already in the dustbin of history.

If we continue to put our efforts into these kinds of preparations, instead of tilting at windmills like the David Hoggs of the world, we might put enough disincentives in the way of nihilists looking for an infamous exit that it will no longer offer them the payoff they are looking for… and this supposed shortcut to fame and notoriety will no longer have a sinister appeal to psychopaths already going down that road.

And isn’t breaking the appeal of this heinous offence really the outcome we’re all looking for?

Lionhearted: Making Young Christian Males Rowdy Biblical Men

Dear young Christian male, this book you’re about to read is meant to challenge you to your very core. Its intent is not to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Some of the chapters will upset you greatly, especially if you’re a dandy who was raised with kid gloves by a helicopter mommy.

That said, in addition to the holy introspection contained herein, this book will also shoot adrenaline into your soul. It’ll push you to be a Godly risk taker and earth shaker. A veritable Rebel With A Cause just like the Captain of Our Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you want a feel-good book that tickles your ears and morphs you into a little Christian popinjay, this tome ain’t for you. You should put this book down and walk away from it immediately. However, if, young man, if … your motto is to give God your utmost for His highest, and you wanna live a life worthy of Christ’s death, then this book will be grist for your mill.

Get your copy of Lionhearted: Making Young Christian Males Rowdy Biblical Men TODAY!

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck