Planned Parenthood- “Young People: Embrace Your Inner Slut.”
Makes sense that PP would auger for more sex. More sex. More Abortions. And the wheels on the bus go around and around… around and around.
Ben Shapiro/Breitbart- Just in case you were wondering whether Planned Parenthood supports sexual promiscuity, they’ve elucidated their position: “slut” is a positive word. Their Facebook page for teenagers carries a video from MTV Voices with Francisco Ramirez, subtly titled “Sextra Credit 2.” In it, Ramirez, a gay activist, says, “A lot of people define slut as someone who has too much sex or too many partners – but according to who? The slut fairy?”
Ramirez wasn’t done yet: “Did you know that some people use slut in a positive way? They use it to define a woman who is confident in her sexuality and being the sexual being that she is. I personally think there’s a little bit of slut in all of us. So embrace it!”Terrific. From a company that provides abortion to cover their costs to promote sexual promiscuity seems less than shocking.