Obama: Messiah or Antichrist?

In anticipation of Obama’s inauguration, some Obama supporters have gone so far as to proclaim Obama as the Messiah. Such a trend appears to have begun with Jamie Foxx’s monologue on Saturday Night Live, in which he declared Obama to be our Lord and Savior.
Meanwhile, many street vendors and souvenir shops are selling posters of Obama which depict him as Jesus. And if that was not enough, Newsweek has labeled him the Second Coming.
While some of Obama’s supporters consider him to be the Messiah, consider of his detractors consider him to be the Antichrist. I’ve even heard some people say so my self, from my fellow Tea Party members to one of my nephews. Considering what Obama is doing to America, he is more likely to be the Antichrist (or at least paving the way for the Antichrist) than the Messiah.
Now I am not a theologian. I have read my Bible though. I have emailed the Religious Education Director at my parish inquiring about Obama being the Antichrist, and he replied by giving some information from the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, provided in the following link: http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/675.htm.
It is unclear if Obama meets such criteria. But as I mentioned before, it is possible he might be paving the way for the Antichrist.
As for those declaring Obama to be the Messiah, I am certain that such statements are a form of sacrilege (note: I plan to email my parish’s Religious Director on this matter). Because let’s face it: Obama is not God. He has not produced any miracles, unless you consider the implementation of socialism to be a miracle. And in that case, Jane Fonda’s prayers would be granted, considering she wanted people to pray for America to become a communist nation.
Of course, Obama has not declared himself as the Messiah. But some of his supporters do, almost reminiscent of Hitler being portrayed as Germany’s Messiah. Meanwhile, Obama has also been given a cult-like status, similar to that of Joseph Stalin, Mao Zeo-Dong, Saddam Hussein, or the Ayatollah Khomeini. Such a status is usually established once a dictatorship has been established, something which Obama has not fully implemented yet. And it should be noted that the religious left does support him, particularly on the issue of social justice.
But regardless of one chooses to deify Obama, one thing remains clear: he is not fit to lead.
Image: Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist; author: Luca Signorelli (1450–1523); between 1499 and 1502: current location:Chapel of San Brizio, Duomo, Orvieto; source/ photographer: Web Gallery of Art; public domain