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Who is David Stein? Should Conservatives Be Worried?

Screen Shot 2013-05-08 at 10.03.03 AMWho is David Stein? Did he ever exist except in the mind of what now appears to be an angry, vindictive man? Whomever he’s pretending to be now pales in comparison to who he was. And that revelation has lit up conservative circles on the West Coast and all across the internet.

Independent Movie Database ( lists David Abravanel Stein as a Los Angeles born producer and editor. His work includes documentaries on WWII and being a part of the Nuremberg: The 60th Anniversary Director’s Cut. It would appear he came out of nowhere to suddenly become a “historical consultant” for various projects related to WWII and the Holocaust. In 1995 he was the historical consultant for the CBS Schoolbreak Special, Children Remember the Holocaust. From 1994 to 2004, he ran the Tinbergen Archives, “a Holocaust education institution and research facility in Beverly Hills, California.” According to the biography he was even nominated for a JFK Profile in Courage award in 1994.

Right around that time another David was taking a very different path in Los Angeles. David Cole was nearing the height of his popularity, if you could call it that, as a “Holocaust revisionist.” In 1992, while “attending a meeting” at UCLA, Cole was allegedly attacked on stage because of his views. If the attack occurred, for there is no proof it did, it could likely be blamed on the documentary that made Cole infamous.

Cole, funded by legendary Holocaust denier Bradley Smith, went to Auschwitz in 1992. His interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper put him on the map. It was during that 1992 trip that he met with Dr. Piper, a noted author and historian, at Auschwitz. Dr. Piper was and remains the chair of the Historical Department at the Auschwitz State Museum. It was this interview and tour that became the now infamous documentary, The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz. Dr. Piper’s interview was, to say the very least, a con on Cole’s part. However heavily edited and misleading, it remains “proof” to Holocaust deniers.

He later appeared, along with Bradley Smith, on the Phil Donahue Show in 1994. Thanks to the internet, it’s available on It was after that interview that the Jewish Defense League put out a hit of sorts on David Cole. Fearing for his life, he went into hiding. As reported on various websites, “he never surfaced again publicly.” He did, however, send a notarized statement to the JDL in 1998 telling them he was a changed man and hadn’t been a Holocaust revisionist for four years. In fact, if he is to be believed, Cole was really only a denier for four years.

Many speculated that he was forced to make that statement, fearful for his life. As late as 2012, various discussion boards are dedicated to one question, “What happened to David Cole?” There is no honor among thieves, however. A Storm Front message board cites a letter written by Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson. In it he recounts his first meeting with Cole, remarking, “He was prone to exaggeration, bluff and even lie. I thought that it would be naive to trust such a person.”

Who knew the slime from Storm Front could get something right?

Cole may have fallen off the face of the earth, but David Stein was thriving. He was involved in various projects and documentaries, both as historical consultant and producer. In 2000, one of his documentaries was shown at a UN-sponsored symposium. In 2004 he co-founded Cambio Entertainment. He also began to appear on right-leaning websites. He’s quoted in a 2010 WND piece about purported anti-Semite Rev. Curtis Gatewood. He’s listed as a former Los Angeles Times contributor. Stein also founded the Republican Party Animals in 2009 and its eventual website,

Only he didn’t.

In fact, I’m not sure he did ANY of the things listed on his biography. Unless there’s another Cambio Entertainment, that was launched in 2009, not 2004. And it was by AOL and several others. I can find no link to a “David Stein.”

If the Tinbergen Archives exists, it’s not online. A screen grab from a Google search reveals a BBB listing on Olympic Boulevard in Beverly Hills. The link no longer works. I cannot find that exact address in current LA County assessor searches. It’s interesting to note that while the Tinbergen Archive can’t be found on Olympic, I did find the Hillel Hebrew Academy. It’s a stone’s throw from the alleged location of the archives. It’s an odd coincidence to be sure. But is it more than that? Privacy laws don’t allow for more than speculation.

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Pauline Wolak

Pauline is a proud wife and mother of three. When she isn't being the world's greatest Girl Friday, she is volunteers her time as a school librarian and athletic director. Pauline enjoys football, politics, good beer, and arguing with anyone. She's a devout pro-life Catholic. Pauline believes in the 1st Amendment and uses it on a daily basis, most notably to ambush unsuspecting family members in political debate! You can find her work here at Clash and at Follow her on twitter at @MiStateFan.