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Post-Zimmerman: Remember Islam in the United States?

700px-Ground_Zero_Mosque_Protesters_11The Zimmerman trial, acquittal and post-trial fiasco born by the boneheaded attorney general, Eric Holder, and like-minded racists is proving to be a beneficial cover to all the White House scandals that have cropped up in the last three months. The Obama administration has been exposed for its dishonesty on many levels. The most bothersome are the evil doings that have yet to be exposed.

Along with the increased surge in illegals arrives the possibility of more terrorists coming into America. Muslims have many organizations in the United States and in these groups, radical Islamists that hate this country can be found. These groups are also tied to numerous known terrorist cells that can be found throughout the U.S… Wither directly or indirectly, I believe the president has communications with some of these groups on a global level and I don’t believe enough investigative reporting has been done on the issue.

Reportedly, on the Fourth of July Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the Saudi that just happened to be at the Boston Marathon bombing, was found celebrating our Independence Day at the White House. Abdul is known to have contact with many terrorist groups including Al-Qaeda and is on the FBI’s watch list. I guess it doesn’t surprise anyone that this is the type of character that Obama surrounds himself.

Recently in one of Al-Qaeda’s magazines, Inspire, an article was written giving instructions on how to set wild fires by using a remote device. Could terrorists cells be responsible for setting these destructive fires and where is Homeland Security?

PHOENIX (AP) —“ The FBI alerted law enforcement agencies last month that an al-Qaeda terrorist now in detention had talked of masterminding a plot to set a series of devastating forest fires around the western United States.”

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David Hiatt

David Hiatt sees a good part of America driving his truck across it, mostly from Indiana down to the bottom of Texas. He is a passionate Christian Constitutional Conservative that is concerned about the direction this Great Nation is heading.