DEMONIC: Baby Killer Counted to Five Before Shooting Baby Between the Eyes

The teen accused of shooting a toddler between the eyes during a robbery attempt counted down from five before firing, his alleged accomplice testified today after pointing him out as the shooter.
Dominique Lang testified that he ran into De’Marquise Elkins on the morning of the March 21 slaying. A short while later as the two walked together, they saw Sherry West with a stroller.
Lang says Elkins walked to West and demanded her purse before pulling out a gun. When West refused to hand the purse over, he hit her in the face with it and threatened her baby.
‘The baby was in the stroller screaming,’ Lang said.
Elkins shot Sherry West in the leg with his .22 caliber handgun, he testified, and then shot the 13-month-old baby Antonio Santiago.
De’Marquise Elkins is charged with murder, child cruelty, attempted armed robbery and multiple counts of aggravated assault in connection to the March 21 shooting.
If convicted, Elkins will not face the death penalty because he was 17 at the time of the killing, too young under Georgia law to be executed.
Prosecutors have also accused Elkins of shooting Wilfredo Calix Flores outside a local church ten days before the child was killed.