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I Have a Few Questions, Mr Obama …

ObamaCare, passed illegally and unethically, called a train wreck by the very man that helped write it and get it through Congress, promises to bankrupt the country, a measure designed to redistribute wealth, not provide care, a series of laws and regulations violating privacy, the doctor-patient relationship, and the sovereignty of the states. That is not a scandal?

Your records, Mr. President. You’ve released virtually nothing about your life, your education, your term in the Illinois legislature, nothing. Now a respected country sheriff and his investigators, along with document experts, insist the birth certificate you released is a forgery. This means you are hiding something, that it is likely you are not “natural born”, a requirement in the Constitution for becoming President. And this is not a scandal, Mr. Obama?

What would qualify as a scandal in your view, Mr. Obama? Oh. That’s right. You have already answered that question. It’s scandalous for citizens to own guns, possess private property, keep the fruits of their labor, determine for themselves what kind of schools they prefer, select their own doctor, speak up about matters of conscience, freely exercise their religion, advocate original founding principles, or worse yet, join the Tea Party.

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Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.