STILL GOT IT: USA Can Still DOMINATE World Markets… If We Do THIS.
YES, THE USA CAN COMPETE with Low Cost Foreign Competitors.
DISGUSTING: The REAL Reason Media Remained SILENT About A Little Girl’s Injuries
WHY WAS THE ASSAULT on This Little Girl Not Big News?
ARE THEY MENTAL? Economist Wonders Why ANYONE Would Support HILLARY
ECONOMIST/RADIO HOST LARRY KUDLOW is befuddled by the Pro-Hillary Vote.
Forget TEMPERAMENT … Does Hillary Even Have the BRAIN To Be President?
HILLARY CLINTON'S Memory Problem Ought to Alarm Americans.
TRUMP Rolls Dice Meeting Mexican President… Did He WIN BIG or Go BUST?
DID DONALD TRUMP CAMPAIGN WIN With Mexican President Meeting Gamble?
LEFTIST HYPOCRISY: ‘All Cultures Are EQUAL, But Some Are MORE Equal Than Others’
HYPOCRITICAL LEFTISTS Offer Mixed Message on 'Diversity'.
FEMINIST HYPOCRISY: Hillary Shills for Sharia But Ignores This DISGUSTING Practice
FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION: Where Are Hillary Clinton and Her Feminist Supporters?.
DEAR AMERICA: 15 Years Later, Have We Learned ANYTHING From 9/11?
AS ANOTHER 9/11 ANNIVERSARY Approaches -- We Musn't Forget!
HEY PROGRESSIVES: When Are You Going to Pay Attention to THIS Human Rights Issue?
FORCED MARRIAGES and Child Marriages Should Be Outlawed in Civilized Countries.
Remember when Olympians Had THIS… How Can They Play ANYTHING Without It?
We teach it to our kids, but it's becoming really rare at sport's highest levels.
WUSSIFICATION: Obama Shows Open Wallet to Iran
Whatever the spin, BARACK OBAMA'S 'Ransom' Payment to Iran Signals More U.S. Weakness.
Enviro-Nazis Blowing Smoke At Olympic Opener: Here’s PROOF
GLOBAL WARMING Hysteria Is Still Just a Load of Hot Air.
PRIEST SLAUGHTERED — Jihadis say ‘War is on’, Muslim Apologists Blind to the Obvious
In France, a PRIEST is SLAUGHTERED -- And Muslim Apologists are Still Ignoring Jihad.
PATRIOTS: Should the First Amendment Allow for a Terrorist’s ‘Freedom of Speech’?
What happens when 'ALLAHU AKBAR' Collides with the First Amendment and Public Safety?
LEFTISTS THREATEN Anti-Trump Coup If He Wins in November — Will You Allow It?
LEFTISTS THREATEN Anti-Trump Coup If He Wins in November.
Will The Summer Of 2016 Go Down In History As ‘The Summer Of Blood’?
PRE- Republican and Democratic CONVENTIONS ... What a Week or Terror and Violence!
ISLAM IS AT WAR with a Delusional, Suicidal West
ISLAM AT WAR with a Delusional, Suicidal West -- and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton don't seem to care.
ISLAMIC TERROR Hits Nice, France — The Cote D’Azur Under Attack
ISLAMIC TERROR Hits Nice, France -- The Cote D’Azur comes Under Attack.
Can Brexit Hopefully Influence the USA’s November Elections?
CAN THE WISDOM OF Britain's BREXIT vote Jump Across the Atlantic to influence the November Elections in the USA?
If Liberals Want America to Prosper, Why Are They Opposed to THIS?
LIberals claim they want America to prosper -- so why are they opposed to a sound energy policy?
Hillary Has THREE Strikes — So Why Isn’t She Out Yet?
Hillary's repeated bungling in her role as Secretary of State should render her unfit for future office.
This Arrogant Anti-Brexit Writer Makes His Elitist Feelings Known
ARROGANT Anti-Brexit writer Boris Schlossbert Makes His Elitist Feelings Known.
How Directing Some of Your Giving Into America Might Make a BIG Difference
How Christians' Directing Some of their giving into America Might Make a BIG Difference.
TRUMP VS. HILLARY: Why You Shouldn’t Give In to the Hysteria Vote
Regarding Trump, Hillary, the upcoming election: Americans mustn't give In to the Hysteria Vote!
As the World Is On the Precipice — What Will Americans Demand This November?
With the World ON THE PRECIPICE, what will Americans demand this November?
How the Media’s Over-Reporting of the News Misleads and DISTRACTS the People
The MEDIA'S OVER-REPORTING of the News Misleads and Distracts the People.
How Globalist BULLYING Was Exposed — and Eight Other Great Things About Brexit
Nine of the BEST things about Brexit.
If Aussie Gun Control Is Right for America, Why Not Aussie Immigration, Too?
If the Left wants to insist Australian-style gun control is right for America, Why Not Aussie-style Immigration, too?
John Kerry Assures Americans Islamic Refugees Pose No Threat — Do You Believe Him?
John Kerry Assures Americans Islamic Refugees Pose No Threat.
A BREXIT ANALYSIS: It’s All About Nations’ Sovereignty
The recent UK vote involving BREXIT is all About Nations' Sovereignty.
How Will the BREXIT Bombshell Affect America?
Will this affect us here?
Is Trump Not Investing in His Own Campaign to WIN?
The money situation in the Trump campaign makes it look like Donald Trump isn't actually invested in winning.
MEXICO CONTROLS Their Southern Border — So, Why Shouldn’t America Control Theirs?
If Mexico can control her southern border, why can't America control hers?
What You Should Know About Obama’s SICK Agenda to DISARM Every American
Let’s talk about guns…