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Why Does Anthony Weiner Run?

I have ultimately come to believe that in some level of Anthony Weiner’s twisted little mind, the man actually enjoys the public flogging that his name and behavior have created.

And even though the talk and news stories are all derogatory, they are still all about him!

Another reason why Anthony Weiner has chosen to run again is because nobody wants to actually hire the man.
If you’re running a successful company, would you be stupid enough to risk your company’s name and reputation to make Anthony Weiner the “face” of your business?

Of course not.

Perhaps the final reason I will point out for Anthony Weiner’s willingness to run again is the fact that the man doesn’t possess a single marketable skill.

He has a Bachleor of Arts in Political Science.

Wow! There’s certainly a lot of need for those in today’s troubled job market.

And during his time as a Congressman in Washington, Anthony Weiner might have been the only man in the city who didn’t have some kind of a law degree hanging on his office wall.

Along with the fact that nobody wants to hire Anthony Weiner, there is nothing in his résumé that would cause anybody to want him.

In fact, Anthony Weiner is ideally qualified for employment in something he would flippantly call a “burger flipping” job.
But as we have already highlighted, what fast food franchise owner or customer would want Weiner anywhere near their burgers. (Okay. I just couldn’t resist that one.)

In conclusion, Anthony Weiner has chosen to run for public office because he is ultimately qualified to do nothing else.
If the people of New York make him their mayor, then they have made their city a national joke and they truly deserve the man and everything else he brings with it.

Image: Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528); Head of a bearded man; Current location: National Ossoliński Institute, WrocławLink; public domain

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R.G. Yoho

R.G. Yoho is a Western author who has published seven books, including “Death Comes to Redhawk,” along with a non-fiction work entitled “America’s History is His Story.”