Earlier this year it was Tea Party favorite Senator Rand Paul of Tennessee who had a twelve-plus hour filibuster over Obama’s possible use of military drones over America’s cities that captured the nation’s attention. Now comes Texas Senator Ted Cruz who took a twenty-one hour filibuster over defunding Obamacare straight into the living rooms and hearts of Americans. The importance of this move had been lambasted by many of his Senate colleagues like South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham and Arizona’s senior Senator John McCain.
Yet, what was clear for the nation and mainstream media debunkers of Cruz and Tea Party and conservative supporters of Senator Cruz; a clear line was drawn in the sand over the future of RINOs in the Republican Party. The rejuvenation of a more conservative voice in the United States was growing stronger. Cruz Control was focused, un-quivering and determined to light a match for millions of families and individuals fed up with failed Washington leaders and the president.
You see there is another message that the faint of heart in the U.S. Senate did not understand. While they were focusing on keeping the U.S. Senate on track with its business as usual backroom deal making, Cruz was speaking to another audience.
Cruz was actually not worrying so much about Senate procedural policies as much as he was speaking to those poor, working class and Middle America families they were losing their health policies.
Mainstream pundits as well as Fox News Sunday Anchor Mike Wallace reminded Ted Cruz that his own Republican senators in the U.S. Senate had slipped him negative talking points against Cruz in an effort to marginalize his efforts. So, as attention and support grew over Cruz’s nationwide petition drive to defund Obamacare, his fellow senators were squirming over the rising star of the party and his appeal with America’s conservative public.
It appeared over the summer that the goal of Republican senators like Lindsey and McCain and others was to force Cruz to submit to the rule of the U.S. Senate where careers and legislation in far too many cases go to die.
But this surge of American conservative populism was not of Cruz’s creation because it had been burning as hot as a Texas brand on a steer in the hearts of many Americans since the bill’s infamous passage. In fact, earlier in the spring and summer many of the union leaders who are Obama’s fiercest supporters turned tail and now were deriding Obamacare as a job killer.
This summer the words of Teamsters union president Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. were crystal clear when he decried the harmful impact of Obamacare. Speaking for his 1,326,972 members he stressed, “Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care. We have also been strong supporters of you. In campaign after campaign we have put boots on the ground, gone door-to-door to get out the vote, run phone banks and raised money to secure this vision. Now this vision has come back to haunt us.”
So, is one to suppose that those 1.3 million plus union members, who put boots on the ground for the law, now do not count in the war to defund Obamacare. Do the two RINO senators Lindsey and McCain and all the others in Washington who hide behind mainstream media pundits and apologists, believe that Senator Ted’s Cruz’s twenty-one hour filibuster was pointless?
What is pointless is believing that America will and should return to business as usual in the U.S. Senate or in the congress or in the White House. What is pointless is for Americans to go single file into Obamacare for which the president himself, the congress and countless other groups have been given a participation exemption.
Cruz did what is known by many of the nation about the Lone Star State, and that is that Texans do stand tall when others like Lindsey and McCain cower from responsibility. The twenty-one hours when America was captivated by Cruz Control is just the beginning. The second revolution beginning in 2010 in the U.S. victory by the Tea Party Nation is now in motion.
Image: Ted Cruz; author: Gage Skidmore; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license