8 Year Old Student Suspended For Playing Cops And Robbers With An Imaginary Gun

Administrators at Harmony Community School in Osceola County, Florida wasted no time in suspending a student who pointed his finger at another student in a gun-like manner. Eight-year-old Jordan Bennett was playing cops and robbers with his friends while at school. At one point, he gestured with his finger as if he were holding a gun, and pretended to shoot. This alarmed school officials, who promptly removed the boy from classes for the rest of the day. The gesture amounted to a threat of violence, according to the school.
Bennett is hardly the first kid whose innocent imagination has earned a serious punishment. The Daily Caller has reported on kids who were disciplined by school officials for playing with fake guns on their own property, for wearing small key chains that looked like a guns and even for merely chewing a pop tart into the shape of a gun. (RELATED: Awful: School expels kids who played with airsoft gun on private property.) (RELATED: Insanity: seventh-grader suspended three days for gun keychain the size of a quarter).
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