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MAN STUFF: America’s Oldest Vet Drinks Whiskey And Smokes Cigars Every Day

* Check out’s new line of amazing cigars here …

With Veterans Day coming up on Monday, America’s oldest living military veteran is enjoying the spotlight on his service once more, but even at the age of 107 he doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

Richard Overton, an Army veteran of World War II now living in Austin, Texas, still enjoys cigars and whiskey every day.

From The Houston Chronicle:

He drives and walks without a cane. During a television interview in March, he told a reporter that he doesn’t take medicine, smokes cigars every day and takes whiskey in his morning coffee. The key to living to his age, he said, is simply “staying out of trouble.”

“I may drink a little in the evening too with some soda water, but that’s it,” Overton told Fox News. “Whiskey’s a good medicine. It keeps your muscles tender.”

* Check out’s new line of amazing cigars here …

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