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2014 — Looking Forward: My Nation-Saving Resolutions

Today is the first day of the New Year.  As most people do, I spent yesterday recollecting and looking back over 2013.  It was an interesting year, and it spurred me to do something I haven’t done in a few years: make a resolution.  This won’t be a long column this week, but it will be to the point.
I don’t like New Year’s resolutions.  They are lofty, non-specific goals people set and then promptly discard as soon as it’s inconvenient.  Why bother?  I’ve made the typical ones in the past: losing weight, getting in shape, getting a degree, reading more books, getting a better job… some were successful, others not.  I’m pretty sure I’m typical in making and keeping or not keeping my resolutions.
After the debacle that was what I like to call Scandal-thon 2013, you know IRS, NSA, Benghazi NSA again, IRS again, NSA yet again, combined with the utter failure that is Obamacare, I decided that this year had to be different.   There is no way our country can continue to survive with these kinds of assaults on our liberty.  Hope and Change needs to be evicted.  We all know that all it really turned out to be, if it wasn’t planned that way to begin with, was bait and switch.  So what can I do?  That’s where my resolution comes into play.
I resolve to not only keep being a voice for conservatism, but help true conservatives overcome the idiocy that the GOP is becoming.  The Democrats are imploding under their own stupidity, all they need is a strong showing by conservatives that we deserve better to lose.  There is a good chance that reason can come back to our country, but if we give into the GOP’s lack of backbone, we will never make a difference.  Their assault on Tea Party conservatives, people who just want lower taxes and government out of their lives, shows how out of touch they are with what used to be the base of the GOP.  It’s bad enough that I get no representation at all in my own state, I really don’t need that crap out of the party that is supposed to be representing my interests.  They don’t anymore and we all know it.
So, what is your resolution this New Year’s Day?  Care to join me in making 2014 a banner year for conservatism?  This is one resolution I won’t give up.  My children and theirs are depending on it.

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Suzanne Olden

Suzanne Reisig Olden is a Catholic Christian, Conservative, married mother of two, who loves God, family and country in that order. She lives northwest of Baltimore, in Carroll County, Maryland. She graduated from Villa Julie College/Stevenson University with a BS in Paralegal Studies and works as a paralegal for a franchise company, specializing in franchise law and intellectual property. Originally from Baltimore, and after many moves, she came home to raise her son and daughter, now high school and college aged, in her home state. Suzanne also writes for The Firebreathing Conservative website ( and hopes you'll come visit there as well for even more discussion of conservative issues.