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RIGHTEOUS REBELS: ‘Duck Dynasty’ Prompting School Lunch Prayer Clubs

By Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY

A new trend: Duck Dynasty clubs at school?

Sadie Robertson, 16, the daughter of Duck Dynasty’s Korie and Willie Robertson, told an audience in Montgomery, Ala., on Sunday that her family’s famous reality show is leading students to pray before lunch at schools across the country.

According to the Montgomery Advertiser, Robertson, who was a featured speaker at a fundraiser for Prattville Christian Academy, said, “For a TV show to bring prayer into schools, that’s awesome.”

Sadie said the family decided not to address the controversy surrounding her grandfather, Phil Robertson. But, she said, “We will say we’re really glad for us all to be back together as a family because (he’s) the leader. We couldn’t do anything without him.”

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