EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW: About Putin and Crimea But Were Afraid to Ask

Srdja Trifkovic interviewed by Mike Church on SiriusXM Patrot Radio:
Mike: I have been enjoying your writing for years at Chronicles, including your ruminations about our modern demonization of monarchy and how you’re trying to figure out: How did this greatest and oldest form of government get to the station in life where it’s regarded as something that is the equivalent of Satan himself? I know that’s not our subject today, but I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been reading it with great interest. Keep writing about it because I find it fascinating.
Trifkovic: Well, some of the most stable democracies in the world are monarchies, such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. If you have a head of state, it’s far better to have someone with established credentials that transcend the volatile barometer of daily politics. Of course, the optimum form would be an absolute monarchy with a benevolent Christian ruler, but we’re a little bit beyond that, I’m afraid.
Mike: Yes, that is something that perhaps we can revive. Let’s talk about the Ukraine for just a moment. Your latest post at Chronicles is under the headline “Ukraine Bosnified, Putin Hitlerized.” Do you look at this as Putin being Hitlerized as a case of mistaken identity?
Trifkovic: Absolutely. If we want to look for a parallel with Hitler – and frankly, I’m sick and tired of this reductio ad Hitlerum – we seem to be keen on finding the Hitler du jour whenever there’s a crisis. Whether it’s Slobodan Milosevic, or Saddam Hussein, or Muammar Gaddafi, or Bashar al-Assad, the “Hitler” parallel is invoked. In the case of Ukraine, we actually have a fairly decent parallel with the boys from western Ukraine who have been the spearhead of violence in Kiev over the past three months, the Svoboda Party and various associated groups, who openly parade the black and red flag of the SS division Galizien from 70 years ago, and who are quite unabashedly keen on reviving the tradition of the Ukrainian collaboration from World War II.
It’s funny that, when you have supposedly similar emanations of extreme right-wing nationalism and racism in Western Europe, they’re demonized by the European Union – whether it’s the Vlaams Belang in Belgium, the BNP in England, or Marine Le Pen and the Front National in France. Far worse fellows in Kiev, the jackbooted, helmeted “peaceful protestors,” are embraced with open arms. In December we had the inimitable Senator John McCain share the platform with Oleh Tyahnybok, the leader of the Svoboda Party. It’s entirely a matter of situational morality. Just as we have “our” jihadists and “bad” jihadists – just look at Syria – so it seems to be the case with “our” fascists in Ukraine and the “bad” fascists when they raise their heads within the European Union.
Read more: Chronicles Magazine