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7 Hard Won Lessons About Your Calling

Here’s a dose of reality for those pursuing God’s call. Read it, mediate on it and then bookmark it because this keeper is something you’re going to want to read ever so often to stay on track.

1. Live for the Applause of Nail-Scarred Hands.
If you live for popular opinion, you’ll have as many ups and downs as the Dow Jones Industrial average.

2. Think Long.
If you’re going to dream big you better think long. You also better pray hard.

3. Thou Shalt Offend Pharisees.
It’s your job to challenge the status quo. If you aren’t being criticized then you probably aren’t doing anything that is truly making a difference.

4. Don’t Play the Comparison Game.
If you compare yourself to other leaders, you can always find a favorable or unfavorable comparison.

5. Be Yourself
When I first started out in ministry, I was trying to be a pastor. Now I’m trying to be myself. And there is a world of difference. God gave you a personality! Use it. Use it in your preaching, in your counseling, in your staff meetings.

6. Get a Life.
If your sermons are boring, it’s probably because your life is boring. … Pick up a new hobby. Don’t just get a sermon, get a life!

7. Your Primary Ministry Isn’t to People.
If you try to be all things to all people, you’ll end up being nothing to nobody! Spend more time with God than you do with people—in His word, in His presence.

Read more: Catalyst Conference
