BAD COP: Video Of Man Confronting Cops After They Shoot His Dog (STRONG LANGUAGE)

What would you do if animal control called you at work and they told you that a cop entered your private fenced property and shot your dog, your ‘best friend’, in the head for protecting your home? I dare a LEO to defend this:
Sean Kendall shot this video of his interaction with Salt Lake City police after learning an officer had shot his dog in his backyard.
Via NY Daily News:
Sean Kendall’s 2-year-old Weimaraner, Geist, was shot once in the head by a Salt Lake police officer June 18 as cops searched for a missing 3-year-old boy who was later found sleeping in his own house about a quarter-mile away.
The 110-pound, gray-furred pooch was in his back yard kennel, with a 5-foot-tall fence surrounding the area, which Kendall told the Daily News he had secured to make sure the dog could not escape while he was away at work. The officer entered through a gate after Kendall did not answer the door.
When Kendall arrived home, he came upon two cops and an animal control officer. The unidentified police officer who shot Geist had left by the time Kendall returned home. A police spokeswoman said the officer, a 10-year veteran, remains on duty as internal affairs investigates the shooting.