HILLARY HAMMERS OBAMA: ‘You Can’t Trust The Motherf—er!’

Uh, duh Mrs. Clinton … we know. Dear Clashers, check this out. Via Mr. Conservative:
The latest book to hit the shelves about the “Blood Feud” between the Clintons and the Obamas is full of juicy details about the relationship that seems peachy on the outside but is truly nothing more than a political stunt to look good for the public. The best-selling author Ed Klein’s new book is sure to make liberals heads explode as the dysfunctional relationship between the Democrat Party’s most powerful players is exposed for what it is.
According to TPNN, Klein’s book details a time roughly two months after Hillary stepped down from her position as Secretary of State under Obama and was discussing him with a group of friends over quite a few glasses of wine. “You can’t trust the mother***er,” while at the same time saying that “Obama has turned into a joke.”
Read more: Mr. Conservative