Time to Step Up: Hard Choices for HRC and the Dems
As we head into the 2014 midterm elections with an eye on the 2016 presidential horse race, the claims of Democrat cheerleaders appear increasingly ludicrous, and hysterical.
Yesterday, the “news” coverage on MSNBC was devoted to editorial denunciations of Republicans and wild claims about triumphs by Democrats and Obama. For example, Rhodes scholar Ed Schultz “reported” ObamaCare is a tremendous success story because the Kentucky exchange is working. He predicted voters will rally to their Deliverer come November.
The reality is about 60% of Americans have opposed ObamaCare all along. The President’s complete mismanagement of the entire process, especially the rollout, has left Democrat candidates diving for the underbrush, desperate to avoid voter wrath. Another reality Ed ignores, Barry the Bumbler’s disapproval rating reveals a population moving from fed up to furious.
The Rev. Al was found at his pulpit yesterday preaching about the evils of Republican criticism over the Bergdahl bungle, angrily insisting BHO has saved America from terrorists and bankruptcy. After six years of recession, staggering debt and unemployment, negative GDP this quarter and looming catastrophe, voters are calling on someone else to save them, as primary results show. After losing wars and skirmishes and on the diplomatic front pretty much everywhere, if this is salvation, who needs damnation?
Rachel Maddow, more toxic that Sharpton and Schultz combined because she is at least intelligent, pitched her fit this way: look at the hypocrite Republicans condemning presidential good intentions as they criticize an American soldier finally free after five years of self-imposed imprisonment. Someone should tell Rachel that Democrat critics are as vocal as anyone, but apparently she does not have ears to hear.
The narrative is always the same, and it is a simple formula easily remembered by all loyal disciples: if something bad happens, blame Republicans and cry “racist!”, but if something good happens (still waiting), give Obama lavish praise and applaud, then blame Republicans for not being on board.
Only Chris Matthews showed an understanding of what is actually happening, and to his credit, he commented on the blazing realities before us, basically asking: how could Obama be so stupid as to release Taliban killers for one sad sack.
The inescapable truth is President Putz and his band of bozos bugger up everything they touch. The list of failures, defeats, catastrophes, scandals and humiliations paints a picture of multiple train wrecks piling up in the stock yards of Chicago, where cattle, like citizens, await slaughter.
In the end, who needs Fox News when you can watch the house of cards falling on MSNBC?
Things are so bad, Obama can’t even get press coverage as he speaks in Poland about his grand plans to save Ukraine and the world from the Russians and the Chinese, the news now dominated by Bergdahl and talk of impeachment and the electoral massacre expected in November.
Things are so bad we see a President reduced to defending a deserter, condemning the deserter’s accusers (the ones who served honorably), even as he returns murderers to the battlefield, assuring us he cares about active duty service men and women, Veterans still waiting for medical attention, and ambassadors more nervous than ever about embassy security.
Things are so bad, being a grandmother full time is starting to look like the preferred hard choice for Hillary. At least she can rest content in the knowledge she won’t face an IRS audit. Her only hope for change may involve diapers.
Check out Allan Erickson’s The Cross and the Constitution In the Age of Incoherence. Avaialable here.
Image: Courtesy of: http://oxnzeam.de/2008/03/07/hexenjagd-auf-hillary/