BOOM: Massive Banner Slams New York Times For Kissing Hamas’ Ham-ass

This massive and epic banner perfectly explains and calls out the New York Times for their media bias when it comes to Israel. Newbusters has reported on some of the bias as well, see below…
The New York Times‘ coverage of the ongoing situation in Israel, which began with the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers, continued this past week to be marked by intense anti-Israel bias in tone and labeling, and overwhelming emotionalism over the deaths of Palestinian civilians in the crossfire (Israeli deaths from terrorism rarely if ever merited such heart-felt treatment). After the tragic deaths of four young Gazan boys on a beach, the Times let its photographer hint at something sinister: “Children, maybe four feet tall, dressed in summer clothes, running from an explosion, don’t fit the description of Hamas fighters, either.”
New York Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief Jodi Rudoren’s straightforward lead story Thursday, “Israeli Invasion of Gaza Is Likely, Official Says — Brief Cease-Fire Is Set,” was accompanied on the front page by a large, tragic photo of dead children over an emotionally manipulative story by Anne Barnard, “Boys Drawn to Gaza Beach, and Into Center of Mideast Strife.”
“The four dead boys came quickly to symbolize how the Israeli aerial assaults in Gaza are inevitably killing innocents in this crowded, impoverished sliver of land along the Mediterranean Sea. They stood out because they were inarguably blameless, children who simply wanted to play on their favorite beach, near the fishing port where their large extended family keeps its boats.
The killings also crystallized the conundrum for the 1.7 million Gazans trapped between Israel’s powerful military machine and the militants of Hamas and its affiliates, who fire rockets into Israel with little regard for how the response affects Gazans. Virtually imprisoned by the border controls of Israel and, increasingly, Egypt, most Gazans have nothing to do with the perennial conflict but cannot escape it.
More than 150 civilians, including more than 40 children, have been killed in Israel’s air assaults in Gaza to curb militant rocket fire. Civilians make up about 75 percent of the Palestinian deaths, according to a running count by the United Nations.”
Read more: Newsbusters