RELIGION OF PEACE: Jihadists ‘Order 4 Million Girls And Women in Iraqi City to Undergo Genital Mutilation’

So much for ‘women’s rights’? ISIS has ordered for genital mutilation for all women and girls in Iraq. Please forward this to the ‘women’s rights champions’ here in the US. See below….
There was anger last night after it emerged militant group ISIS may have ordered compulsory female genital mutilation (FGM) for all women and girls in a region of Iraq now under its control.
The extremist group has seized large swathes of the troubled country’s northern regions and is now said to be imposing its hardline Sharia rules on the population.
The United Nations expressed deep concern yesterday at reports all girls and women in and around city of Mosul are to being forced to undergo FGM procedures.
A UN spokesman in Geneva said that they were seeking clarity and trying to establish the facts.
Such a ‘fatwa’ issued by the Sunni Muslim fighters would potentially affect 4million women and girls, according to UN resident and humanitarian coordinator in Iraq Jacqueline Badcoc.
‘We have current reports of imposition of a directive that all female girl children and women up to the age of 49 must be circumcised.
Read more: Daily Mail
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