UH, DUH: Study Shows Vegetarians Less Healthy than Meat Eaters

Here is some more news to confirm that the anti-meat vegetarians can’t justify always justify their ways for health reasons. Check it out…
Vegetarians are less healthy and have a worse quality of life than meat eaters, according to a study by the University of Graz, Austria.
According to the study, those who abstain from meat are “less healthy (in terms of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), have a lower quality of life, and also require more medical treatment.”
Vegetarians were twice as likely to have atopy (allergies), a 50 percent increase in cancer and a 50 percent increase in heart attacks. They also drank less alcohol.
This is not the first time counter-intuitive research has shown the negative effects of consuming a meat-free diet.
In 2010 the WHO published a study where 30,604 people were followed for an average of 8.7 years on their fruit and vegetable consumption. Those who consumed the recommended 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day did not have less cancer nor enjoyed better health. They were even forced to conclude the opposite.
Read more: Breitbart
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