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Leninade: Another Sign of the Times

Being marketed as a “Simple Soviet Style Soda”, “Leninade is a soda pop that truly captures the spirit of the Russian Revolution! It’s Red, it’s Bubbly and it goes well with Vodka”…(their quote, not mine.)

Just let a few decades pass us by, and we have a soda being marketed in honor of the most murderous regime leader in Russian history next to Stalin’s regime.

Lenin played a senior role in orchestrating the 1917 overthrow of the Romanov dynasty. You might remember hearing in history class about the Romanov Empire and their demise. But in case you haven’t…Under the direction of the communists’ leaders – which included Lenin–the royal family was rounded up, imprisoned and then completely annihilated. This same bunch of ruthless murderers erased any trace of the Romanov’s by chopping up all their bodies in nice little pieces and throwing them into a ditch and covering them with dirt, where they stayed for decades.

Vladimir Lenin emerged from the early days of the Russian revolution as someone to be despised and feared by the masses, by both city dwellers and field peasants alike. The first leader of the Soviet Union was once quoted as saying, “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”

Does this perhaps ring true of the direction of our current Democrat administration? Obama and his tag-team have been stirring up the masses since the first day he arrived on scene. And even today, just when you think it’s safe to go back into the water…Oops they did it again.

So let’s look at the college edju-ma-kated, young-skulls-of-mush teenagers, who run around in the annoying colorful Che Guevara T-shirts–who have learned absolutely nothing about history–not knowing a thing about another Communist revolutionary and killer. These American college-kids are just ripe for the picking; they just might be who this drink is being marketed to…And by the way, since when did Communist oppression and mass killings become cool?

So you shouldn’t be surprised that this soft drink with such a vile name-sake could be so sociably acceptable. Oh, what the hell, bring on the Ruskie grog!

Follow me on FB(s) Burbsmom and GirlyRedNeck



Image: Joan of Arc; Courtesy of:


++++Allen is an old-enough-to-know-better, concerned American. Lover of God and Country, wife and mother of three grown twenty-something babies. Crusading the fight against "real" social injustice issues, and liberal idiots, anywhere I find it, and them. She's written a book available on The Underbelly of a Mega Church Image: Joan of Arc; Courtesy of: Archivo:Portrait_jeanne_d%27arc.jpg