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WE CHANGED, ISLAM STAYED THE SAME. Beware Newspeak False History

The lies we’ve heard:
Our president recently lectured us about Islam. President Obama said, “Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” True enough, Mister President. Muslim pirates were an impetus for the growth of the United States Navy and the US Marine Corp. The Corp got its nick name as “Leathernecks” when they fought Muslim pirates with pistol and cutlass. President Obama implied a different relationship.

The use of an un-named implication is part of the current politically newspeak that seeks to hide the truth rather than reveal it. The truth is we’ve fought Muslim slavers and pirates since the United States was formed. Islam has not been reformed. That was the nature of Islam. That remains the nature of Islam. We have changed, not Islam.

Recent events:
This year, devout Muslims murdered editors in Paris, Jews in Copenhagen, and Egyptian Christians in Libya. The imams who attended the murderer’s funeral praised the murderers as devout Muslims. Muslims are who they say they are, not who President Obama wants them to be.

Our Recent reactions:
After the first attack in Paris, President Obama lectured the American people and the UN that “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”. Way to go, Mister President. That sure showed the world your stern resolve. Evidently the president’s comments were too nuanced to stop the terrorist…as was his suggestion that the US should provide jobs for terrorists. We should not expect more from President Obama. Once a community organizer.. always a community organizer.

The reactions of terrorists:
The terrorists heard our Community Organizer in Chief. Obama told Muslim terrorists he will do nothing…until the terrorists attack is at OUR door. Then Obama will blame right wing extremists and wait six months for a government report to officially identify the attackers…or not. Hey, that delay and deny approach has worked for the Obama Administration may times before. The Muslim attack in Benghazi is only one example. You’ve probably forgotten the others.

Our response:
Unfortunately, our Community Organizer in the White House is out of his league fighting Islam. The terrorists can’t be bribed with midnight basketball. Islamic terrorists don’t need Obama money since they already get millions a day from Middle East petro dollars. What is a Chicago politician to do?

The Muslim agenda:
Islam is in at war with the west. I know that is inconvenient for the political donors who want Obama to continue to rob the US treasury for them. I can’t imagine Obama saying, “Sorry, old boys, but this little existential threat has come up and your usual graft will have to wait.”

book-burningJihad won’t wait. Islam does not need our permission or our recognition to continue their war against the west. While the western media plays games with newspeak, Muslim soldiers destroyed the Mosul library which held over 8 thousand ancient manuscripts. That is no loss to Islam. For those of you who forgot, the name of the Islamic terror group Boko Haram, literally means “western education is forbidden.” The prophet tells them all they need to know…just as MSNBC tells the party faithful all they need to know.

Our nation’s capabilities:
Islam has remained the same. Our Community Organizer wants to continue to play politics rather than face the threat of Islam. Our partisan media will encourage him. We should not be surprised at either Islam or at Obama. We hired our current president for the color of his skin and his ability to read convincingly from a teleprompter. We did not hire him for the strength of his intellect or the strength of his character.

President Obama did not change his character any more in the last six years than Islam has changed in the last six hundred. The news media can deny that Islam hates the west. The media can deny the character of our Community Organizer in Chief. The media can pretend that ordinary Presbyterians are really right wing radicals. A sensational headline like that will keep the average channel surfer from flipping to the next program during the commercials.

Some things never change:
Yes, Mister President, we’ve always had Islam. The “Religion of Peace” continues to murder and destroy at will. Our Community Organizer doesn’t want to recognize Islam for what it is and has been. Our president employs “strategic patience” instead. Obama negotiates Iran getting atomic weapons while he continues to hand out political favors at home. Obama know politics, and all political graft is local.

I hope the people of the United States are strong enough to withstand this president…and Islam.




Rob Morse

Rob Morse works and writes in Southwest Louisiana. He writes at Ammoland, at his Slowfacts blog, and here at Clash Daily. Rob co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast, and hosts the Self-Defense Gun Stories Podcast each week.