BAD TEACHER: Louisiana Teacher Accused Of 9-HOUR THREESOME With Teen Gets No Jail Time For OTHER Illicit Sex

Teachers are making the news more and more these days – but not for the right reasons.
One of the two blonde English teachers in small-town Louisiana arrested for having sex with the same then-16-year-old male student pleaded guilty to obscenity on Thursday and has thus far avoid prison time. She won’t even have to register as a sex offender.
That’s the good news for the former teacher, Shelley S. Dufresne, reports The Times-Picayune.
The bad news is that she must spend 90 days within the confines of an unspecified mental health facility. (She will also serve three years of probation, pay a $1,000 fine and surrender her teaching license.)
The boy’s mother appeared irate at a court hearing during which Dufresne admitted her actions. At the same time, both parents had “expressed their support for this resolution of the case,” notes the New Orleans newspaper.
In happier days, before the married mother of three was busted for her role in a ménage à trois with an underage boy, Dufresne taught at Destrehan High School in Destrehan, La.
Read more: The Daily Caller