DZHOKHAR TSARNAEV: Just Another DREAMer? Should We Be Bringing in More Potentially Like Him?
During the week when Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was convicted on all 30 counts as a result of his terrorism at the 2013 Boston Marathon, that killed three and injured over 250 people, it’s worth recalling just exactly how this character ended up in our country. It’s particularly relevant since, as you read this article, the fifth-column Obama Regime is in the process of making sure that we have hundreds of thousands of more potential Tsarnaevs, who like them, will receive education, health care, food stamps and other freebies, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers.
What? The Tsarnaevs weren’t just hard-working, striving immigrants, here to do the work Americans won’t do, eager to come out of the shadows, and make a better life? Sadly, no, fellow Clasher. Ruslan Tsarni, Dzhokhar’s uncle, also an immigrant, now living in Maryland, called the family “losers,” which is a very charitable understatement.
The Tsarnaev family was a ridiculously dysfunctional bunch, with few marketable skills, a history of run-ins with the law, including domestic violence, 9/11 trutherism, and just general aggravated mopery. Both parents sought psychiatric treatment, and the two future pressure-cooker bomb makers were enthusiastic and frequent pot smokers. And the whole lot were able to take advantage of our generous “social safety net”. According to the Boston Herald, they received over $100,000 in government benefits, including Section 8 housing and food stamps. Their four children all attended public schools, although only two of them graduated from high school.
You see, as “refugees,” they were “entitled” to these benefits. They came here from Kyrgyzstan, seeking political asylum from the Baltic wars of the early 1990’s. Now, under the radar, the Obama Regime is scheming to import more “refugees” from Central America. As we discussed on last Sunday’s edition of The Teri O’Brien Show, “America’s Problem: It’s Too White”, the plan was unveiled in a teleconference on March 31, 2015, which was closed to the press. From Judicial Watch:
To facilitate the often treacherous process of entering the United States illegally through the southern border, the Obama administration is offering free transportation from three Central American countries and a special refugee/parole program with “resettlement assistance” and permanent residency.
Under the new initiative the administration has rebranded the official name it originally assigned to the droves of illegal immigrant minors who continue sneaking into the U.S. They’re no longer known as Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC), a term that evidently was offensive and not politically correct enough for the powerful open borders movement. The new arrivals will be officially known as Central American Minors (CAM) and they will be eligible for a special refugee/parole that offers a free one-way flight to the U.S. from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras. The project is a joint venture between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the State Department.
Specifically, the “program provides certain children in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras with a safe, legal, and orderly alternative to the dangerous journey that some children are undertaking to the United States,” according to a DHS memo obtained by JW this week. The document goes on to say that the CAM program has started accepting applications from “qualifying parents” to bring their offspring under the age of 21 from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras. The candidates will then be granted a special refugee parole, which includes many taxpayer-funded perks and benefits. Among them is a free education, food stamps, medical care and living expenses.
During a special teleconference this week, officials from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the State Department explained how CAM will work. Only “friendly” groups and individuals invited by the government were allowed to participate and the event was not open to the media. Judicial Watch attended as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with interest in the matter. Obama administration officials offered an overview of the new CAM initiative and confirmed that the U.S. has deployed staff to the region to handle the influx of applicants. A State Department official promoted CAM as a “family reunification” program that will be completely funded by American taxpayers, though the official claimed to have no idea what the cost will be.
Cost? Who cares what the cost is! These are future government dependents we’re talking about, aka Democrat voters! Am I suffering from the corrosive cynicism that I often deplore, suggesting that Barack Obama might not give a hoot about what happens to this country as long as Democrats can stay in power? (Rhetorical question.)
Another question that occurs to me, and probably to you: don’t we have enough freeloaders born in this country without flying more in at taxpayer expense? (See previous explanation re future democrat voters.)
On April 15, 2013, Denise and Bill Richard took their kids, 7-year old Jane, 11-year old Henry and 8-year old Martin, to watch the Boston Marathon. They had ice cream before finding a spot in which to enjoy the festivities, not knowing that Martin would be murdered, and that Jane would lose one of her legs because of the actions of a “refugee”, brought here as a “child, though no fault of his own.” (Someone needs to ask the buffoonish Jeb Bush if this bunch was also acting out of love.)
Who’s child might be the next victim of a cynical, politically-motivated scheme to “transform” our country by making its demographics more to the liking of Democrats?
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