PRO-LIFE AMERICA: Winning the War on Life
I came across a article* this week that gave me great hope for America. The article reported that a 22 year old pregnant woman was kept alive after being pronounced brain-dead so that her son could be delivered at a later date. “The hospital said a team of more than 100 doctors, nurses and staff kept Angel’s 22-year-old mother Karla Perez alive for 54 days — just long enough to deliver the baby via cesarean section,” reported
Stop and ponder that statement for a moment – “more than ONE HUNDRED”. This is an outstanding proclamation about how we in America truly cherish life. “More than ONE HUNDRED” individuals worked to save the life of this pre-born baby knowing that the mother was dead without the modern technology that was keeping her alive. Why do that, why would the family allow themselves to suffer further emotional pain by watching their brain dead loved one live in this horrid state if they didn’t believe that all life has value and is of great worth.
So despite what some liberal politicians tell you, America is winning the war on life. Americans love life. The next time the liberal media props up the “dead” idea of “choice” remember this story. Remember the family that endured this exceedingly painful process for just one small baby boy. Remember the 100 plus individuals who worked and are still working to see this boy become healthy and strong. All life is precious, and we should do everything within our power to preserve and honor it; the good news is that the majority of Americans know this.
Oh, and one more thing…Karla Perez saved the lives of three other individuals by donating her organs. While it is tragic that Angel will never meet his mother, in my book she and her family are heroes; and he should be proud.