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News Clash

COULTER SLAMS RUBIO: ‘I Really Don’t Like Liars – He Spent Three Years Pushing Amnesty’

Ann Coulter isn’t holding any punches when it comes to pointing out Marco Rubio’s push for amnesty.

Conservative author Ann Coulter did not mince words when asked on Breitbart News Sunday why she does not support Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) presidential bid.

“I really don’t like liars,” Coulter said, reminding listeners that Rubio ran as a Tea Party candidate against Charlie Crist in 2012 and “campaigned over and over again” by attacking

Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) comprehensive amnesty legislation and even declaring that “a path to legalization is a code word for amnesty.”

Coulter, the author of Adios, America, told host Matthew Boyle, whom she extensively praised for his relentless reporting on immigration issues, that though there were some red flags concerning Rubio–like his abuse of the Florida GOP’s credit card–“all sins were forgiven” because he was running against a candidate in Crist whom conservatives just wanted to defeat at all costs.

She reminded listeners that Rubio then “gets to Washington and spends three years pushing nothing but amnesty.” She said establishment Republicans say Rubio is “so telegenic” and he’s just “changed his mind” on immigration, but she noted that, “that’s the only thing he’s done” in D.C.

Read more: Breitbart