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“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”  Galatians 6:7

“The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.”  Psalm 145:8

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.”  John 3:36

Certain people insist Jesus never said a word about homosexuality.  The truth is he affirmed the entire Judeo-Christian Scripture, even foreseeing the writing of the New Testament. 

That ultimate moral authority prohibits all sexual behavior outside monogamous, heterosexual marriage.  All such behavior is called sin, including fornication, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, polygamy, sodomy and pedophilia. Therefore, Jesus calls homosexuality sin.  Despite the Supreme Court, there is no denying this fact.

God in his wisdom says “yes” to some things and “no” to other things.  He does so for our own good.  Sin is a killer, a destroyer, the evil force, harmful in all its manifestations.  Consequently, our loving heavenly Father says no to sin, urging us to shun it, even sending his Son to deal with it that we might live in health in this world, and forever in the next.  The homosexual lifestyle is terribly unhealthy by any measure.  Promoting it is not an act of love.  Warning people about the temporal and eternal consequences is an act of love, the true path to liberty, contrary to what Obama stated today.

A time comes when God’s patience will wear out, when people who actively promote sin are given over to their lusts, when judgment descends revealing His wrath. That time rapidly approaches.

Mere man cannot violate the laws of nature and of nature’s God without suffering terrible consequences. 

When the state comes along forcing a sin agenda it provokes both the wrath of God and the sentiment of the majority. The activist/legislative Supreme Court (violating the very Constitution the Justices are sword to uphold) affirmed same sex marriage in its ruling June 26.  Think of it: the Supreme Court mocked God.  Wrath and judgment will follow. 

We did not learn during the last 30 years seeing millions of people die from HIV/AIDS.  In 2013 alone, 1.5 million men, women and children died from HIV/AIDS.  Europeans affirmed same sex marriage long ago and now you see massive demonstrations in France and Italy against it, and growing opposition in Scandinavia.  Still we do not learn.

If trends continue, we will not learn in the next 30 years.  Read about the judgment to come in Revelation.

Revelation 6
Revelation 16


Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.