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EXHAUSTING AND EXPENSIVE: Keeping the Anti-Gun Fantasy Alive

A few people still dream that gun-prohibition works. That fading idea is like a sick old man on life support. It takes more and more effort simply to keep that fantasy alive.

They try. These anti-rights lobbyists pump out a heartbeat of press releases paid for with a billionaire’s money. Yes, I mean Bloomberg, as well as the Joyce, Tides and Heinz foundations.

Here is an example. The murders at the Charleston, South Carolina church were in a gun free zone. The billionaires who wants you disarmed said we need more background checks.. while admitting the murderer passed his firearms owner background check.

Well, duhh.

A crazed gunman attacked a Dallas, Texas police station. The Bloomberg groups blamed a new law allowing open carry of firearms. That open carry law does not go into effect until next year.


Obviously, it isn’t easy selling media spin … even if you have millions of dollars to generate press releases.

The dying idea of gun prohibition has given us failure after failure. Each failure demands a larger media campaign to keep the prohibition fantasy alive. It is an increasingly hard job to sell gun prohibition to anyone except the liberal medial. Look for their parroted press release after the next attack in a gun free zone. The media spin would be funny except for the number of disarmed victims.

The idea of gun prohibition is fading fast. The number of concealed carry permits in the US more than doubled since President Obama was elected. Last year the number of permits grew by a record 15%. The murder rate fell by 25 percent during that same period showing that honest gun owners don’t cause crime. Today, the national average is that one out of 19 adults has a permit to carry, and in five states the licensed carry rate is more than one in ten adults.

The average gun owner looks like the average American. Since 2007, permits for women have increased by 270% while permits have only grown by 156% for men. Evidence suggests that permit holding by minorities is increasing more than twice as fast as for whites.

Bloomberg will have to pump a few more millions into the dead idea of gun prohibition.

Good riddance to blood money.


Rob Morse

Rob Morse works and writes in Southwest Louisiana. He writes at Ammoland, at his Slowfacts blog, and here at Clash Daily. Rob co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast, and hosts the Self-Defense Gun Stories Podcast each week.