Black Chicago Grassroots Activist SLAMS Democrats – Speaks The TRUTH About Rahm Emanuel for LYING

This woman is sick and tired of putting up with the Democrats and their incessant lying.
“When I walk outside my door, there’s nothing a Democrat has done—African American or white or Hispanic—has done for me and my community.”
That’s the sentiment of one Chicago black activist and mother, speaking exclusively to Breitbart News outside Chicago’s City Hall on Saturday.
The occasion was a small memorial for Laquan McDonald, who was killed by a Chicago police officer 13 months ago, as well as for Tyshawn Lee, a 9-year-old whose death made national headlines. Including this article at Breitbart News.
Democrat-run Chicago was become infamous for its inner-city murder rate, where black-on-black crime takes the lives of black youth week in and week out. The website DNAInfolists the Chicago murder toll for 2015 at a grim 427 lives lost.
Although she’s on a political left, Smith feels betrayed by the Democrats who run the city, telling Breitbart News, “For the first time since I’ve been able to vote—I’m 38 years old—I chose not to vote because I felt there was not a candidate on the ballot who I thought was truly going to represent the people.”
Read more: Breitbart