FOR THE RECORD: Planned Parenthood Killer NOT Republican, Identifies As ‘Female’ But The Left Still Says …

It seems like the Colorado shooting would be a liberal’s wet dream, but that would be the case if it wasn’t for this one little detail.
Gateway Pundit – Police detained a shooter at a Planned Parenthood building Friday afternoon, according to Colorado Springs police.
Four police officers and five civilians were injured in a shooting. Three people died including Police Officer Garrett Swasey. Local media captured video of the shooter being led away in handcuffs.
The suspect was identified as Robert Lewis Dear.
According to his voter registration Robert Lewis Dear identifies as a woman.
Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. from Hartsel, Colorado is registered to vote in Park County, Colorado as a woman.
Read more: Gateway Pundit
According to Info Wars, the left didn’t hesitate in one bit to label the shooter at a crazed right winger:
Despite the fact the suspect is not avowedly against abortion and appears to be insane, Planned Parenthood couldn’t help itself. It portrayed the shooting as an “extremist” act of “domestic terrorism.”
“While we still do not know the shooter’s motive, what is clear is that Planned Parenthood has been the subject of vicious and unsubstantiated statements attacking an organization that provides critical health care for millions of Americans. I strongly support Planned Parenthood and the work it is doing and hope people realize that bitter rhetoric can have unintended consequences,” Sanders said in a statement.
Meanwhile the leftists over at Daily Kos want to “bomb white terrorist strongholds in US” in response to the shooting. Daily Kos does not indicate where these “strongholds” are or who the “white terrorists” might be. In hysterical knee-jerk fashion, they pander to the racist hatred espoused by the Black Lives Matter crowd because it conforms to the Marxist classist nonsense they support.
Read more: Info Wars