Democrat politicians have a skewed view of terrorism and security. So does our mainstream media. Their policy advice and the media reporting are bizarre. This is dangerous and getting worse. Political posturing by Democrats is overriding common sense. I’ll start with small examples and work my way up from there.
Civil libertarians recently complained about a government black list that keeps people from flying and buying firearms. The civil libertarians have good reasons to worry. There is no way to check if you’re on the government’s no-fly list. There is no way to figure out why you’re on the list, and no published procedure to get off the list. I agree with the libertarians because I expect President Obama and his corrupt cronies to put their political enemies on such a list.. as they have before. Civil libertarians and self-defense supporters objected to the government’s secret black list. In response, Barack and other Democrat politicians blamed the NRA for arming terrorists.
President Obama blamed armed terrorism on the NRA … while, at the same time, Barack says we have to let more Muslim terrorists into the US.
The mainstream media simply nods agreement.
Let that craziness sink in for a minute. Yes, this is the bizarre president and the politicized news media we have today.
Obama blamed Republicans and gun owners for the recent shooting near a Planned Parenthood office in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Three people were killed. The media didn’t tell you that Colorado already has gun laws limiting and recording the transfer of firearms. Colorado already requires that citizens only buy reduced capacity ammunition magazines. Instead, after another person with mental health issues went on a shooting spree, Democrat politicians said this attack was a Republican war on women. Again, the Democrat media widely repeated the accusation as fact.
That is crazy… and it gets worse.
Speaking from France, President Obama said the attack in Colorado Springs meant we need to disarm Americans. Democrat presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley said much the same. Barack said the United States is the only country in the world that sees mass violence like this. He said this in France, the same country where, a few days before, more than 300 people were hurt or killed by Islamic attacks against a sports stadium, against a dinner theater, and at other at public gathering places. Each of those places was a gun free zone. Even when I use Obama math, 300 dead is larger than three dead. Much larger.
What did the American media do when they heard such a crazy claim from our president? The mainstream media either agreed or stayed silent in support. It doesn’t take much research to find long lists of Muslim attacks in the US. Unfortunately, these lists quickly go out of date. There are countless other examples of Muslim terrorism from around the world. France has had over
In contrast to the American media, the French reporters think Obama is a crazy idiot.
Earlier this week, three masked Muslim gunmen attacked an office Christmas party held by the San Bernardino, California County Health Department. This attack occurred in California, a state legendary for its labyrinth of gun laws. I’m sure the armed and armored Muslim murderers broke scores of firearms regulations as they carried out their attack with guns and bombs. Predictably, Democrat politicians will call for another firearms restriction. Democrats and the media will ignore the twenty-three thousand existing firearms laws that failed to protect us… time after time.
This disarmament demagoguery by Democrats is becoming more dangerous each day. Muslims have already attacked preschools, schools, universities, restaurants, bars, airports, hospitals, military recruiting centers, sporting events and political gatherings. Each target is a so called “gun-free zone”. President Obama says our best response is to disarm honest citizens. President Obama thinks more signs like this will keep us safe. Really?
How crazy do you have to be to think a Muslim terrorist will obey this sign?
Image: http://usa2008.blox.pl/2008/07/OBAMA-ZMIANA-CZY-STATUS-QUO.html