This Version of The War Against Americans Is Slightly Different Than Hollywood’s

American leaders helped a foreign invasion force even as they surrendered to other foreign and domestic enemies. They invited subversion and, in fact, were a part of it. That’s how they did it. That’s how they implemented their plan to wipe out the American people and their culture. Finally a group of people had enough of their war.
That’s a slightly altered summary of how, “The First Transgender Superhuman” (the second of three stories in Mortal Gods: Ignition), begins. I’ll provide just a hint of where “The First Transgender Superhuman” title comes from in just a bit. First, however, here is why I’m writing about this collection of stories.
Mortal Gods: Ignition is my first work of fiction. I’ve written opinion columns, commentary, political and intelligence analyses, articles, and other nonfiction works for over five years now. My writings have appeared here as well as at other nationally recognized sites, including, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, and WND. It’s been an interesting experience and one that has resulted in a lot of sacrifices and loss, some of which can never be recovered. Therefore, it only made sense to move onto something new. Hence, I’ll be writing a lot more about fiction from now on—and I’ll be promoting my own work a lot more as well.
As I mentioned, Mortal Gods: Ignition contains three short stories—perfect for those who want a satisfying read in a quick burst. The eBook is a prose anthology that introduces a universe of superhumans that examines how they might actually impact the world, and what threats and challenges they might face. They don’t fight crimes and take on supervillains; they fight battles and engage in war. On top of this, they use their abilities to work with others in society instead of solely acting on their own. These three short stories are closer to how superhumans would be in reality than what you’re used to seeing.
Now back to, “The First Transgender Superhuman.” The title of it relates to how the nonsense concept of “transgender” figures into the story and how it ultimately plays into its resolution. Exactly how this comes about is something you’ll have to read the book to find out. But suffice it to say, the same obsession that people have with the “transgender” concept and its associated ideas in real life is an obsession that some people in the story share as well. You can read the opening of the story for free at my Liberty Island Creator page. (And no, the excerpt doesn’t answer how the title relates to the story.)
One final thing. Hollywood regularly insults Americans with what it produces. It’s such a common practice that when the latest hit job comes out, such as CBS insisting that its potential reinterpretation of Nancy Drew definitely won’t have a white protagonist, it’s of little use to do more than note it. Hollywood isn’t going to change so there’s no value in endlessly complaining about it. The only truly rational response is to start creating alternatives to its products. That’s what I did.
So buy Mortal Gods: Ignition today. Tell your friends and enemies to buy it too. And feel free to let me know what you think of it.