GUN STORE Will NOT Sell Guns To THESE Two Groups Of People

More gun stores across America should also be doing the same exact thing. If Obama wants to ban law abiding citizens from owning their guns, why can’t gun shops ban these idiots from buying their guns?
After a local city councilman told residents they should go outside and throw rocks at police who chase fleeing suspects through his town, Mississippi gun store owner, Tim Wolverton, had enough.
So he posted signs at his gun store saying exactly how he felt.
One read: “Sorry, We don’t sell guns to TERRORISTS or DEMOCRATS! It’s TOO HARD to tell the difference!”, and the second one had an images of Jackson City Councilman Kenneth Stokes with Barack Obama and read “If you vote for Kenneth Stokes or Barack Obama, you’re too stupid to own a gun. Please find another dealer.”
In addition to the inane comment about hurling rocks at police, Stokes also referred to gun dealers as “terrorists, thugs and hoodlums.”
Read more: The Federalist Papers