Duck Commander Willie Robertson Endorses Trump, His Dad Endorses Cruz Will A Family Feud Ensue?

After Willie Robertson’s dad endorsed Ted Cruz last week, the Duck Commander has now made a split from his him to support the Donald. Will a family feud ensue? Here is the press release from Donald Trump’s website:
January 21st, 2016 – Today Donald J. Trump announced yet another coveted endorsement, with Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson touting his support for the candidate in Las Vegas. Willie is an extremely popular figure in conservative circles and previously attended a rally in Oklahoma with Mr. Trump where he praised the GOP frontrunner’s brash style and truthful talk in front of 25,000 people.
Mr. Trump stated, “I am truly honored to receive Willie’s endorsement. He is a great person, has had tremendous success and a really terrific family. He believes in my message and knows that I am the only one who will Make America Great Again!”
Mr. Trump was joined by his son Don Jr. and Willie at the Outdoor Sportsman Awards in Las Vegas Thursday night. Mr. Trump attended several events in Nevada on Thursday including a campaign rally attended by thousands of people. He continues to lead in all national and state polls, including the most recent Nevada poll showing Mr. Trump with a substantial lead just weeks away from the fourth in the nation Primary contest.