How Obama Dishonored Those Who Pay The BIGGEST Sacrifice In His SOTU

Liberal activist guests are no stranger to the State of the Union address. Democrats typically take the opportunity to choose the most effective human prop to profile their most desired political action.
Gun control activists, race baiters, tax-hikers, and feminists are usually the most desirable.
This year, U.S. Rep Seth Moulton (D-MA) took the opportunity to go a step further with Ahmad Alkhalaf, a 9-year-old Syrian refugee who lost his limbs in a bomb attack.
“His courage and commitment to creating a better world should be a lesson to us all. We have a moral responsibility to uphold our American principles and that means helping kids like Ahmad who are fleeing from violence,” Moulton said in a statement.
No one can argue the absolutely horrific experience that this young boy has had to endure, and absolutely no one can have no sympathy for having to deal with this the rest of his life.
But to use this boy as a prop in order to further his agenda to endanger Americans with refugees who are unchecked, unknown, and engaged in the systematic rape of women in Europe, is no less than shameful.
To this young boy, attending the State of the Union address does nothing to help his situation.
How many veterans lost their limbs fighting for the freedom to have a debate about letting these refugees into America?
How many veterans lost their limbs fighting for the security of the Boston Children’s Hospital that now treats young Ahmad?
How many veterans would appreciate the opportunity to attend an historic moment in U.S. history?
They’re pretty courageous too.
Myself and my friends who serve don’t have military license plates. We don’t wear military hats. We don’t expect any treatment or special entitlement for serving. But those who made a sacrifice, made a choice to enter into war, should be at least be afforded as many opportunities to participate in the most significantly American rituals and ceremonies as possible. That’s why these things exist.
Mr. Moulton is participating in much worse than ignoring the honorable veterans of his district. He assists in the redefinition of these historic and significant events. He changes the meaning of them. He reduces the expectation of substance and further dishonors the service of those who put their life on the line to preserve this, the last best hope of man on earth.
These American events are now political events. The State of the Union has become eerily similar to the Powerball game, being promoted at the same time. They both promise big money in exchange for just a small sacrifice of cash going to government.
Please listen to podcast audio of this story on my morning radio program on NewsTalk 98.3 at