SHOCKING 411: Was Trump Right Again By Blowing Off FOX?
After Fox News announced the YouTube stars that will be asking candidates questions at the debate, it looks like Trump did the best thing by blowing off Fox News.
Yesterday, I was disgusted with Donald Trump for backing out of the Fox debates but then I heard about the leftist from youtube being invited to ask questions of our GOP candidates and I was aghast. Damn if Trump wasn’t right again.
This article is not meant to be in defense of Trump. It’s in defense of all our GOP candidates.
Whatever you think of Donald Trump, why is a debate with any of our candidates being treated as a spectacle?
Some of you will say That Fox is doing is the right thing. It’s giving the candidates a chance to show what they are made of and it proves a lack of bias but I will tell you that you are wrong. You are wrong because it is being made into an entertainment event at the expense of the GOP. The GOP candidates will be put on the spot in a way Democrats are not.The GOP will be a laughing stock and the media will only repeat the comments that help the leftist cause.
This is a hit job.
Fox News and Google invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate. One of those people is a Muslim activist who has called Trump a bigot and compared him to Adolf Hitler.
“We have a presidential candidate whose loudest message reeks of hatred and Islamophobia… turning on the news now is scary, and oftentimes, humiliating,” the Muslim woman, Nabela Noor, says in a December YouTube video.
Read more: Independent Sentinel