DESPISING BOTH TRUMP AND CRUZ: It’s What the GOP Establishment Does
What do Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have in common? The two men who are fighting each other for the top spot of the Republican party are part of the latest push to ignore the will of the majority.
And tyranny exists when the will of the majority is ignored.
I’m not talking about the 73% of voters (both Republican and not) that want the Republicans in congress to spend less (they aren’t doing it), and I’m not talking about the nearly 80% that disapprove of our Republican majority congress.
I’m talking about the 1,084 to 143 delegate advantage that both men have over those who are in control of the party that doesn’t want either of them.
Both Cruz and Trump hold a majority of the Republican vote, in some cases over 80%, and the most recent suggestion by the leaders of the party is to install Speaker Ryan as the nominee. To ignore the will of the vast majority of voters.
The “big business” crowd that wouldn’t dream of ignoring 80% of their stockholders at an annual meeting is considering ignoring nearly everyone that they’ve convinced to hold their nose and vote Republican in the past half a dozen elections.
The only thing that’s puzzling me is why they don’t like Donald Trump. A man who donated money to Democrats and calls himself conservative without a record would seem to be the perfect fit for the party that embraces liberal policies and was hoping for President Obama to be a successful president.
But the refusal to back the man that embodies the flip-flopping nature of deal-cutting has one major problem that the establishment can’t get around: he can’t be bought.
Since Donald Trump wasn’t made by the establishment, Donald Trump can’t be unmade by the establishment. Trump was created by “the machine” that drives the political cocktail hour in the typical Washington D.C. ballroom, but he’s no puppet that can be shut off with lack of support from the money people of the party that recently is identified by the color red. He’s simply got too much money.
Cruz, on the other hand, came up in similar fashion to those who walk the same halls of the United States Senate that he did, served on the same campaigns, and knows the same people. But with Cruz, the establishment created a monster by not opposing him earlier and taking him down.
Ted Cruz wants to undo the system of political donations and government contracts that created the out-of-control beast that is the federal system, and his willingness to cut small business strangulation threatens the lazy big business CEO who is so critical to the system that feeds so many unpopular Republicans.
Simply put, Ted Cruz wasn’t supposed to actually want to implement what he talked about. It’s popular to say you want to cut government, to say you oppose regulations, but not actually want to do it. This made Ted Cruz unbearable to the system that robs each and every one of us every day.
While I cannot support a man who was either too naïve to see Obama for who he really was in 2008, or didn’t care, the same being said for the dozens of Democrats that Trump supported over the years. I do recognize that if the RNC is successful at dodging both Trump and Cruz as nominees, they will have undone the will of the members of their own party. They will go from a party of freedom to a party of tyranny. They will likely face third party opposition, and most of the members will likely join forces with the party of blue.