DEAR AMERICA: Is It NOW Time to Start Focusing on Defeating Hillary Clinton?
Now that it appears almost certain that Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination, smart Republicans and Conservatives should play the best odds, particularly when they are overwhelming.
As much as I’d prefer Ted Cruz, I don’t think he’s a likely winner, unless a miracle happens in Indiana and California. The odds against Cruz are high at this point. And if the so-called establishment manipulate the convention to exclude Trump and/or Cruz, that will no doubt end the Republican prospects for acquiring the White House and retaining Congressional control and Supreme Court balance.
It is untimely for Republicans and Conservatives to criticize Trump now that he is the almost-certain winner and Hillary is his certain opponent. Let’s be positive, the election of Trump will save the Congress and the Supreme Court, hopefully, for Conservative control. Clearly, the election of Hillary will most certainly do the opposite and perpetuate the disastrous, Obama-Leftist administration.
Sometimes in life, and especially in elections, we must accept the better of two choices. Although I said in the past I would never vote for Trump, I said that when I was certain he would never win the nomination. Now I’m certain he will. And so I must pull the Republican lever, which will include The Donald, and other better choices.
Without a doubt, President Trump will be surrounded by clear thinking, moral, experienced professionals who will enhance the traditional American-Way – The American Prosperity Machine. Surely, a “President Hillary” will not. She will simply extend the failed Obama administration for another eight years. Trump, on the other hand, knows how to build a strong, productive, free-market organization that will succeed.
The Democrats and Progressives and leftist media have Republicans and independents completely bamboozled. Instead of attacking Hillary or Bernie or their flawed Democrat/Marxist/Socialist/Progressive-Leftist ideology and candidacy – we keep attacking each other. Not good! In fact, rather stupid!
May I suggest that for the balance of this year, that all Republicans and Conservatives focus on defeating Hillary and the Progressive, Leftist candidates that hope to follow her to Washington. She has a horrible history and a track record that must be exposed. Most voters are unaware of the specifics of the Clintons’ awful history. Now is the time to repeatedly – and clearly – bring their past into the light – one at a time, over and over.
Timing is everything in life. Between now and November, Conservative commentators should focus, focus, focus on defeating Hillary and the Progressive Leftists.
Image: 20160406-DSC_4764 via photopin (license)