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Someone Tell Lindsay If She CONVERTS To Islam She’s Must QUIT Showing Us Her Puppies

Is Lindsay Lohan converting to Islam? According to this latest interview, she very well may be. How do you think this will work out for her? She might be shocked to find out how they feel about her exposed puppies. Check this out…

LINDSAY LOHAN caused a huge stir when she was pictured carrying a Koran on the first day of her community service at a New York kids’ centre.

The images fuelled worldwide speculation that the Catholic-born actress had converted to Islam, but she chose to remain silent on the matter when it hit headlines last year.

Now, speaking about the photographs for the first time, Lindsay has confirmed she is studying the religion.

In an exclusive interview, she told me: “I’m a very spiritual person and I’m really open to learning.

“America has portrayed holding a Koran in such a different way to what it actually is.

Lindsay first has to get through the lengthy holy book, saying: “I’m not done reading it. Do you know how long that would take? It takes so long.”

Read more: The Sun

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